UFC Fight Night Results: ‘McGregor vs. Siver’ Play-by-Play & Updates

Jordan BreenJan 18, 2015

Sherdog.com reports from the TD Garden in Boston at approximately 6 p.m. ET with live UFC Fight Night “McGregor vs. Siver” results and round-by-round updates.

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Tateki Matsuda vs. Joby Sanchez

Round 1

Sanchez shifts laterally along the outside with his hands down, kicking and jabbing. He lands a teep upstairs, but Matsuda cracks him with a right-hand counter. Sanchez lands two left kicks to the body, then a right upstairs. Matsuda gets his jab going and pops Sanchez a few times. Sanchez unloads an overhand right that smashes its target, dropping Matsuda on the canvas in dire straits. Sanchez dives on him with hammerfists, pounding from guard. He gets to half, where he instantly starts framing up an arm-triangle choke. Matsuda escapes, so the New Mexico native goes back to pounding. Matsuda shrimps away, retakes his feet and starts popping his jab into the bloodied nose of Sanchez. Matsuda keeps working his lead hand into Sanchez's face, then lands a leg kick. Sanchez with a hard left roundhouse kick to the body. Sanchez wings at Matsuda as the round winds down, but walks right into knees to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-10

Round 2

Matsuda remains active with his jab while Sanchez tries to swarm him with punches. Matsuda lands a clean right counter, so Sanchez gets to the bodylock and drags him to the mat. Sanchez moves quickly to side control, then steps over into full mount, but Matsuda is able to replace guard then slide up the fence. Back on the feet, Matsuda's jab remains superior and he sneaks in right-hand counters when Sanchez attacks. Sanchez catches a Matsuda kick, rocks him and knocks him off balance, but the Japanese-born fighter pops right back up, and lands a left, then two crisp right hooks. Sanchez keeps walking Matsuda down and lunging with left cross-right hook combos, but Matsuda is picking him off and landing better punches.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Matsuda
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Matsuda
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Matsuda

Round 3

Between rounds, Matsuda tells trainer Mark Dellagrotte that he has injured his right ankle. He keeps up his regular routine as the third round begins, though, popping Sanchez with his jab and sneaking in counters behind it. Sanchez lands a wide, casting right hand, but as he moves into the clinch, Matsuda drills a knee to the body. Great two-hook combo for Matsuda bats Sanchez's head side-to-side, then he lands a left hook moments later. The blood is flowing from Sanchez's nose again, but he lands a good uppercut after checking his nose. He keeps wiping away the blood, walking Matsuda down. Sanchez doubles his jab, rips Matsuda with a right cross and hurts him. Sanchez senses his man is hurt, so he keeps firing straight, hard punches with both hands, knocking the Team Sityodtong fighter down once more. Sanchez is all over him with punches, then tries to take the back, but Matsuda's resilience shows through again and he escapes back to his feet. With 90 seconds to go, Sanchez tags him with another right hook. Sanchez shoots with just over a minute to go, gets the double and puts Matsuda on the floor by the fence. Again, Matsuda sneaks up the fence and escapes to his feet. A right head kick by Matsuda is blocked and that's where we end.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanchez (29-28 Sanchez)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Sanchez (29-28 Sanchez)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Sanchez (29-29 Draw)

The Official Result

Joby Sanchez def. Tateki Matsuda via Split Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Sean O'Connell vs. Matt Van Buren

Round 1

O'Connell and van Buren swing in the center of the cage with the taller van Buren landing harder and first. O'Connell runs the taller man back to the fence, but van Buren cuts an angle and lands a head kick on his rushing opponent. Hard right hand for van Buren land, but O'Connell fights through it and clinches him on the fence. O'Connell can't get far before van Buren escape, but the strategy remains the same, marching down his lanky foe, absorbing strikes and clinching. O'Connell drops levels, but can't pull van Buren off of his feet. Van Buren with some strong neck wrestling, rocking O'Connell with heavy knees to the body before breaking. Low kick then a left hook lands for van Buren. O'Connell keeps pressing forward, but he's walking straight into step-in knees, head and body kicks, the whole arsenal. Van Buren casually circles away from O'Connell before throwing a lunging, no-look right hook, just to style on him. O'Connell pushes van Buren into the cage again, but it's going nowhere fast.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 van Buren
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 van Buren
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 van Buren

Round 2

O'Connell is winding up on massive overhands to try to hit his spindly foe, but he's missing wide and eating more knees and punches. O'Connell tries to clinch again and van Buren simply pushes him away. Van Buren digs to the body with a left hook, then flurries with hooks. O'Connell is breathing heavy, but still taking everything van Buren has. Van Buren gets caught with a right-hand windmill that clearly stumbles him for a second, and while he's still winning the fight, his upright stance and lack of head movement is starting to show. Another overhand right lands for O'Connell and he tries for a takedown after it, but van Buren yanks him off. They exchange on the break and O'Connell's mouthguard pops out, but referee Gary Forman quickly replaces it and we're fighting quickly once again. O'Connell lands more winging punches on a suddenly-less effective van Buren, but is thwarted on another takedown attempt.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 O'Connell
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 O'Connell
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 O'Connell

Round 3

Van Buren lands a front kick to the body and punches behind it, but O'Connell responds with digging body shots of his own. Next time O'Connell lunges in, van Buren rips him with step-in knees again. One-two lands for van Buren, but O'Connell smacksh im with an audible right hook that stumbles him back. O'Connell tries to follow, but van Buren wards him off with knees to the body and keeps the distance. O'Connell just doesn't care any more; he walks through another van Buren jab, and lands another wild overhand right that stumbles van Buren, then a left hook that drops him. Van Buren groggily gets to his knees, then his feet, all while O'Connell rips him with left hands. The TUF alum tries to get off the cage, but O'Connell is all over him. Another left hand sends van Buren careeening into the fence, and “The Real O.C.” is on top of him still, punching with both hands. The Jeremy Horn-trained fighter keeps firing away until referee Gary Forman steps in to rescue van Buren, who remains on his feet despite getting decked.

The Official Result

Sean O'Connell def. Matt van Buren via TKO (Punches) R3 2:11

Charles Rosa vs. Sean Soriano

Round 1

The featherweights trade leg kicks to begin. Rosa goes upstairs and misses, and Soriano stumbles him with a hard inside low kick. Rosa grabs Soriano's next kick and tackles him to the mat, but Soriano instantly throws up a triangle. The position is loose at first, but Soriano climbs higher and incrementally tightens it up, but Rosa shows great defense, stacking him and taking his time. With two minutes gone in the round, Rosa pops his head out and the pair reset on the feet. Soirano lands a few jabs, so Rosa responds with a head kick and a quick shot. Soirano stuffs it and as they break, referee Kevin MacDonald calls a brief pause to cut some tape off of Rosa's glove. On the restart, it's the same tit-for-tat kicking battle, with Rosa coming forward, hoping to set up a takedown, and Soriano moving around and trying to land punches. Rosa lands a sneaky right hand that surprises Soriano, but Soirano lands a good left moments later. Rosa shoots and gets sprawled on. Rosa throws three slow punches and eats a left hook, then a follow-up flurry. Soirano starting to move and counter more effectively as Rosa runs into the clinch and eats a knee to the body. Rosa grabs for a single, Soirano escapes and nearly drills Rosa with a knee right at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Soriano
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Soriano
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Soriano

Round 2

Rosa rushes Soriano again and eats two hard low kicks to his lead leg. Soriano kicks Rosa to the body, Rosa responds in kind, then Soriano tackles him to the mat. The American Top Teamer looks for a leglock briefly, but Soriano pounds through it. Rosa scrambles up, gets taken down again briefly, gets back up, then rolls for another leglock attempt. Soriano escapes again, but in the ensuing scramble, squares his body up to Rosa and winds up in an armbar. It's a threatening armbar, but Soriano shows good defense escaping the hold, then from the bottom of side control. However, as quick as the Blackzilian fighter gets up, Rosa tackles him right back to the mat, gets to side control, then full mount. Soriano rolls and Rosa has back mount and both hooks in with 90 seconds to go in the round. Soriano explodes back to his feet and they clinch along the cage. They separate, but Soriano shoots a double with 30 seconds left, but Rosa rolls through, scrambles back to his feet and when Soriano shoots again, Rosa locks up a Peruvian necktie just before the horn. Fun round.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rosa
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Rosa
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Rosa

Round 3

Soriano lands a hard low kick, then shoots and gets stuffed. As Rosa approaches, Soriano lands a pair of hooks and another low kick. Soriano finally gets back to working more of the leg kicks that gave him an early advantage, but he grabs a collar tie when Rosa wades inside and ends up slipping to his back with Rosa in guard. The ATT product rips through his guard again, takes full mount, then gives up his back once more. Rosa doesn't have both hooks in, so when he tries to go high on Soriano, the Blackzilian fighter shakes him over the top. Soriano hangs out in Rosa's guard for a sec and winds up in another deep armbar. Once more, he escapes, but Rosa winds up on top in side control. Soriano tries to slide out the back door, but Rosa gets a front headlock and keeps him along the fence as they regain their feet. Soriano lands an elbow and a salvo of knees inside, but Rosa runs him back into the cage and dumps him to his knees. Rosa looks like he's going to threaten to take the back again, but slides over Soriano's back into a nifty guillotine attempt. Soriano defends, but Rosa keeps a three-quarter headlock, then tries to lock up a brabo choke. He cinches it in and hooks the leg, trying to squeeze out the tap as time winds down. Soriano taps once with his right hand on Rosa's posterior, and referee Kevin MacDonald is in to break up the submission. Soriano briefly protests and says he didn't tap (or intend to submit), but MacDonald rebuffs him.

The Official Result

Charles Rosa def. Sean Soriano via Submission (Brabo Choke) R3 4:43

Johnny Case vs. Frankie Perez

Round 1

Both of the rangy fighters open by displaying their kicking offense, high and low. A minute into the bout, Perez changes levels and puts Case on the Canvas. He tries to get to side control, but Case pops back up, runs Perez into the cage and takes him down from the bodylock. Case chops away with ground-and-pound, then turns Perez away from the fence. Perez punches from his guard as Case grinds on him with elbows. Case stands up to try and posture to punches and Perez tries to backroll away, but “Hollywood” shoves Perez right back to the mat and looms over him from Ali-Inoki position until referee Bryan Miner tells Perez to stand. Case keeps creeping forward with punches and low kicks, Perez reponds with a head kick.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Case
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Case
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Case

Round 2

Hard low kick by Perez starts the second round. Case lands a clean right cross that rocks Perez's head back. Perez throws a head kick, which Case laughs at. The Ricardo Almeida student responds by shooting on Case, then rolling for a leglock. Perez tries for the heel hook, but Case escapes to the top and gets busy pounding. Punches to the head and stiff elbows to the body land for Case. Hard right hand for Case on the ground forces Perez to scramble, getting to his feet. Perez shows his back and Case gets a rear waistlock, ragdolling him back to the mat. Case goes for a kimura, but Perez gets to his feet and extricates himself. Perez shoots then rolls into deep half guard. Case is more than happy to have top position gifted to him, so he escapes, then settles in Perez's full guard, pounding away. More short-but-stern punches and elbows from Case on top land until the horn ends the second frame.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Case
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Case
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Case

Round 3

Two clean right crosses from Case snap Perez's head back, then a low kick stumbles him. Perez surprises the increasingly confident Case with a right cross, so Case switches levels and dumps him with a single. Perez tries to counter with a guillotine, but Case fights his grip, then flips Perez to his back with an underhook. Case moves right into full mount and he senses the finish is his for the taking. The Iowan unloads a torrent of right hands and elbows, forcing Perez to go fetal. Case punches his way over the finish line, as referee Bryan Miner gets in quickly to rescue Perez, who had nothing left.

The Official Result

Johnny Case def. Frankie Perez via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R3 1:54

Patrick Holohan vs. Shane Howell

Round 1

Holohan is stereotypically aggressive, walking Howell down and firing with both hands and low kicks. He gets Howell backed up to the fence with little space to maneuver, then shoots a smart takedown and puts Howell on the mat. Holohan gets to half guard and Howell tries to escape to his feet, exposing his back. “The Hooligan” quickly sinks a body triangle, sits up and starts working for the choke. Howell gets a two-on-one on Holohan's right arm, but the Irishman sinks his left arm into choking position already. Howell is hanging onto Holohan's other hand for dear life so he can't finish the choke. Holohan finally gets his hand free and rolls Howell bellydown, going palm-to-palm to try to finish the choke. Howell manages to survive, but Holohan still has both hooks in. Holohan flattens him out once more with a minute to go while boxing Howell's ears. Holohan rolls him the other way and unloads some ground-and-pound, but Howell shakes him loose while he's offbalance. Howell escapes into Holohan's guard, where he hangs out until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Holohan
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Holohan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Holohan

Round 2

Holohan, switching stances, stalks Howell again and rips him with both hands. Howell catches a Holohan kick and knocks him off balance, stopping his foward momentum momentarily. Clean left cross lands for Holohan. Lots of feinting from Holohan as he closes in on Howell, trying to get him react. Howell is stonefaced, but he's still a sitting duck for another Holohan takedown, set up exactly the same as the one in the first round. Holohan walks his way into side control with a nice guard pass, but Howell turns his feet to the fence and scrambles to replace his guard. Holohan controls Howell's head and neck, pressuring down and trying to pass up the middle to full mount. Howell blocks the pass to full mount, so Holohan takes side control with a minute to go in the round. Holohan tries to step over Howell's head, so Howell scrambles, giving up his back to “The Hooligan” one more time. Holohan just has one hook in as he tries to crank Howell's face, but can't get the tap.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holohan
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Holohan
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Holohan

Round 3

Holohan takes the center of the cage and works his jab to start the final round, not stalking Howell with the tenacity he did early on. Howell begins coming forward, but eats jabs, then a hard right uppercut from the Irishman. Howell continues to press forward and cracks Holohan with a left hook, but Holohan keeps switching stances, jabbing and making Howell into a bystander. Holohan runs Howell into the cage and gets a rear waistlock, as Howell tries to elbow Holohan back over his shoulder. Holohan trips him forward, then jumps onto his back and sinks one of his hooks in. He sinks it, then moves to a body triangle. Holohan is fishing for the rear-naked choke again, but he can't sink his choking arm under Howell's chin. Howell goes belly down and Holohan pulls his upper body backward, trying to make him tap to the cervical crank. Howell doesn't tap, and refuses to give up the choke despite Holohan's best efforts.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Holohan (30-26 Holohan)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Holohan (30-25 Holohan)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Holohan (30-27 Holohan)

The Official Result

Patrick Holohan def. Shane Howell via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00

Lipeng Zhang vs. Chris Wade

Round 1

The fight has a false start of sorts, as Zhang leads with an inside low kick that catches Wade on the cup, prompting referee Kevin MacDonald to stop the action briefly. On the restart, Zhang throws a head kick, Wade blocks it and runs him into the clinch. Zhang stands Wade up, but Wade gets to his head and hip tosses him from the headlock. Wade gets busy with elbows from half guard. Zhang slides back up the fence and gets double underhooks on Wade. The Chinese fighter lands a series of solid knees to the body, but cracks Wade on the cup with another low blow and another pause in the action. Just as he did the first time, Zhang comes out of the break with head kicks, but Wade blocks them. They come together in the clinch once more and Wade shows great balance in staving off Zhang's trip attempts. Wade gets an underhook of his own and turns Zhang around. They trade knees and jockey in the clinch until Kevin MacDonald breaks them up with 40 seconds to go in the round. Zhang bails on a throw attempt, but gets back to his feet and runs Wade back into the fence until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Wade
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Wade

Round 2

Wade punches his way to Zhang and they jostle along the cage again with over-unders. Zhang gets free and they exchange blocked head kicks until Wade shoots a single. Zhang grabs the fence for a moment and is admonished by Kevin MacDonald before the Long Islander drags him to the ground. Zhang hops back up quickly and they resume clinching along the fence. Zhang looks for a high-crotch lift, but Wade breaks his grip and turns him around. Zhang turns him around and shoots a knee to the body, but again it goes low and hits Wade in the cup. Referee Kevin MacDonald breaks them, waits for Wade to say he's able to continue, then deducts a point from Zhang for the repeated low blows. Wade lands a left roundhouse kick to the body and tries to get inside, but Zhang angles away. With just under two minutes to go, Wade punches his way to Zhang then changes levels, plopping him on the floor with a double. Wade gets to half guard, pounding away with short punches and elbows. Zhang tries to roll and use the cage to escape to his feet again, but Wade uses a half nelson to control him in the turtle position. Zhang gets back to his feet and tries to turn into a takedown of his own, but Wade stuffs it and ends the round riding Zhang on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Wade
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Wade
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-8 Wade

Round 3

Wade drives in for a takedown, putting Zhang on the fence once more. They fight for underhooks along the fence and Zhang prevails, but can't drag Wade to the mat. Wade continues to show strong balance, fighting Zhang's takedowns, hopping over his trip attempts. Zhang tries for an uchi mata-type throw, but Wade blocks it and lands on top. Two hard elbows land for Wade, then he forces his way into side control. Zhang uses the fence to his advantage again, regaining his feet and going for a takedown of his own. Wade gets the front headlock, snaps him down, then controls his outside ankle to force the Chinese fighter into the turtle position. Wade holds the front headlock, driving knees into the legs and body of the grounded Zhang with a minute to go. Wade forces Zhang back to the mat and bullies him with punches and hammerfists until the fight expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wade (30-27 Wade)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Wade (30-26 Wade)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Wade (30-26 Wade)

The Official Result

Chris Wade def. Lipeng Zhang via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26) R3 5:00

John Howard vs. Lorenz Larkin

Round 1

Howard and Larkin touch gloves and Larkin probes with a low kick. Howard responds and spins his man around with a low kick of his own. Howard catches a kick to the body and drives “Monsoon” against the fence. Larkin turns and lands a knee on his way out. Howard misses on a right hook and Larkin takes a moment to regroup. Howard with a right leg kick and Larkin counters with a solid jab. Larkin with a another jab and then a right hand. Howard follows a Larkin combo with a hard kick to the body. Larkin hurts Howard with a hard right hand. Howard’s legs buckle and Larkin tags him a few more times and follows him to the mat. “Monsoon” looks at Herb Dean but the stoppage isn’t coming yet. Howard grabs a hold of Larkin’s leg in desperation and Larkin unleashes a barrage of punches that rattle Howard's head around. Finally, Herb Dean is forced to step in.

The Official Result

Lorenz Larkin def. John Howard via TKO (Punches) R1 2:17

Cathal Pendred vs. Sean Spencer

Round 1

Pendred throws two swiping hooks at Spencer, then ducks under for a takedown, pushing Spencer into the fence. Pendred switches to a single, then back to a double, locks his hands and slams Spencer. Spencer gets to his seat and tries to scoot up the fence quickly. Pendred holds him briefly, but Spencer slides up the cage and stuffs the Irishman in the clinch. Spencer gets double underhooks, then separates himself, going back to boxing range. Spencer measures Pendred with two hard right hands off of low kicks, then absolutely crushes the much bigger Pendred with a third. Spencer tries to pound him out, but Pendred gets back to his feet. Spencer unloads two more clean right crosses that rock Pendred, forcing him into a clinch. Pendred takes a moment to recover before separating and now it's Spencer stalking him. “Black Magic” is patient, feinting and jabbing, but when he uncorks his nice right hand, Pendred gets under it and tackles him to the mat for a moment of ground-and-pound. Spencer slides up the fence, gets free and lands a left kick to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Spencer

Round 2

Spencer lands another right hand, but Pendred responds with a head kick. Pendred is circling away from the advancing Spencer, who kicks him in the body after a jab. Spencer combining his jabs and leg kicks now as Pendred winds up on heavy right hands. Spencer tags the much slower Pendred with a quick left hand, then goes back to putting the jab in his face. Spencer fakes a switch-step Superman punch, then hits Pendred with a head kick. Another double jab followed by a hard right lands for Spencer. Spencer, fearful of nothing seemingly, lazily jabs into the pocket, probing around Pendred before ringing him up with another hard right hand that's got blood trickling from Pendred's mouth. Pendred runs into the clinch and gets a bodylock, and though it takes some doing, he eventually gets Spencer to the mat. Pendred gets to work quickly on top, leg scissoring Spencer's neck and going for a kimura. Spencer slips out, and manages to land yet another clean, flush right hand to Pendred's face.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Spencer
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Spencer

Round 3

Both men more conservative as the third round begins, but Spencer is still jabbing and evading the bulk of Pendred's slow, stiff strikes. Pendred drops for a takedown and Spencer easily stuffs it, but the Irishman lands a leg kick. Pendred goes back to the leg kicks and scores, but Spencer begins timing him and landing the jab when he kicks. A good uppercut for Pendred lands, but Spencer jabs in response, then backs Pendred away with kicks. More Spencer jabs prompt a Pendred single-leg attempt, but it goes nowhere. He runs Spencer across the cage, “Black Magic” gets underhooks and gets the Irishman off of him. Pendred misses with a wide spinning back kick, then goes for another single. He trips Spencer down, but the American slides back up the cage quickly and gets free, stalking Pendred until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Spencer (30-27 Spencer)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Spencer (30-27 Spencer)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Spencer (30-27 Spencer)

The Official Result

Cathal Pendred def. Sean Spencer via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Norman Parke vs. Gleison Tibau

Round 1

Parke shows some front kicks as Tibau trots forward at him, then rips off a half-moon kick that whirls wide. Tibau continues to walk Parke down, unloading a powerful left hand that Parke easily dodges. Parke gauging the distance with low kicks and jabs while Tibau tries to explode with quick punching combos on his fellow southpaw. Tibau lands a clean left hand. Moments later, he fakes a shot and lands a left cross to the mouth. Parke shoots, Tibau easily stuffs him and lands a knee to the mush before pushing him away. Both men continue to come together inside with short bursts of punches, but it's Tibau's left hand landing harder and more regularly. Parke scores with a left kick to the body. The lightweights clinch and Tibau lands a pair of knees to the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tibau
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Parke
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Tibau

Round 2

Parke walks Tibau down, but absorbs a hard low kick to the lead leg. More conservative jabbing followed by brief exchanges of power shots. Tibau lands a charging right amidst a combo, prompting Parke to clinch. They dance with over-unders along the cage as the judoka Parke looks for a trip. Tibau separates and goes back to range. Whipping overhand left for Parke just misses, then Tibau bulldozes him with a powerful double-leg takedown to kneetap. Parke scoots back to the fence and slides up to his feet, then shoots on the Brazilian. Tibau rips Parke off of his legs, turns him around and grinds the Northern Ireland native into the wall. Tibau grinds on his foe with over-unders, trading knees to the body. Parke gets off the fence, then Tibau pushes him out of the clinch. Hard body kick by Tibau prompts a Parke shot, which Tibau stuffs with ease.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tibau
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tibau
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Tibau

Round 3

Parke is still the one advancing, but he can't land any significant blows on Tibau, instead fruitlessly running the Brazilian into the cage again. Back at range, both men load up on wide hooks that miss. Parke jabs to reach Tibau, but when he does, eats a clinch knee. They exchange and Parke dings Tibau with a nice left hand. Parke dives at Tibau's legs and runs him into the fence again, but can't keep him there. Parke has more volume now, but his jabs and kicks aren't landing particularly clean. “Stormin' Norman” hits Tibau with another clean left hand, but tries to follow up and runs into a front headlock that nearly turns into a guillotine. Parke frees himself and keeps marching at Tibau, desperate for a takedown. Tibau stuffs it, but eats a right elbow and a glancing left on the exit. Parke touches Tibau with two jabs, Tibau shoots and Parke stuffs is nicely. Right hook-left cross lands for Parke, who looks for a takedown and nearly gives his back to Tibau. Parke swings with hooks and eats a left from Tibau, then shoots on him at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Parke (29-28 Tibau)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Tibau (29-28 Tibau)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Parke (29-28 Tibau)

The Official Result

Gleison Tibau def. Norman Parke via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) R3 5:00

Uriah Hall vs. Ron Stallings

Round 1

Hall opens with a flying knee that doesn't hit its target, but draws applause from the Boston crowd. Hall gets busy from the outside with low kicks while he circles. Stallings throws a low kick and eats a clean right from “Primetime.” Hall throws a spinning hook kick that goes over Stallings' head. A minute later, Hall lands a short jab, then tries to rotate for a spinning wheel kick, but his foe is too close. Hall is starting to really operate from the outside now, landing hard low kicks and single punches. Stallings throws another low kick and Hall absolutely lances him with another heavy right cross. “The Choir Boy” hits the deck and Hall is all over him with punches and elbows. Stallings manages to get his wits back and gets to his feet, but he's carrying two new friends with him: a giant cut through his left eyebrow and a gash under the eye which is immediately swelling, and with gusto. Referee Herb Dean pauses the action to have the ringside physician examine Stallings. The doc takes one good look at the deep, wide gash through Stallings' eyebrow and he opines that's a wrap. Herb Dean takes the doctor's advice and waves it off, giving Uriah Hall the doctor stoppage victory.

The Official Result

Uriah Hall def. Ron Stallings via TKO (Doctor Stoppage) R1 3:37

Benson Henderson vs. Donald Cerrone

Round 1

Cerrone lands a right cross that moves Henderson back, but Henderson sneaks a left in before. The lightweights exchange leg kicks, but Cerrone steps inside and lands a quick flurry of punches. Another right cross and teep to the body land for Cerrone. “Cowboy” jabs to Henderson, but Henderson moves him away with a left kick to the body. Henderson lands a jab, but takes a knee to the body while stepping in. Five short side kicks thrown by Henderson, then another two on the advancing Cerrone. Cerrone reaches with a right cross and hits the air, but he comes back moments later with a clean right kick the body.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Cerrone

Round 2

Henderson with more lead thrust kicks to the knee of Cerrone, who responds with body and outside low kicks. Tit-for-tat kicking exchanges, with Cerrone landing the harder shots until Henderson catches him to the body while he's stepping in. Outside low kicks now from the former WEC and UFC lightweight champion. Cerrone getting impatient, starting to take runs at Henderson. Henderson lands two sneaky right hands, a left body kick, then a left low kick. Henderson feints, then steps into a hard outside low kick. Suddenly, Henderson is the more effective striker, cutting Cerrone off with a knee to the body as he swarms in. “Cowboy” lands a left hand upstairs, so Henderson puts a left hand to his gut. Henderson charges into the clinch and Cerrone grabs double underhooks, deftly pulling Henderson to the mat and landing in half guard. “Smooth” rolls forward and escapes to his feet with under a minute to go. Henderson keeps attacking with low kicks, targeting the outside of Cerrone's power leg, unusually enough. Horns starts to blare in the Bostonian crowd as Henderson keeps kicking away at his pace until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Henderson
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Cerrone
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Henderson

Round 3

The two lightweights start the third round of their third fight not with a touch of gloves, or a high five, but an animated, full-embracing hug. After hugging it out for a moment, they separate and get back to high-stakes cagefighting. Henderson kicks low and Cerrone goes high, knocking the “Smooth” one off balance. Cerrone chases with three punches, glancing Henderson with a right hand. Henderson throws a left body kick, Cerrone touches him with a right hook. Henderson throws the left leg upstairs and Cerrone partially catches, but the kick made impact and stops Cerrone's roll for a moment. “Cowboy” half-commits to a takedown which Henderson stuffs. Henderson tries for the head kick again and once more, Cerrone catches his heel and pushes him back. Henderson feints, baiting Cerrone and smacking him with a step-in knee. Two punches land for Cerrone, then a left hand for Henderson. Henderson launches a third roundhouse kick upstairs and whiffs, Cerrone ducks under and tackles him to the mat briefly. The Jackson-Winklejohn product can't advance position, though, as Henderson pops up immediately. Two minutes to fight and the bout is still very much up for grabs. Cerrone charges with a two-piece and is cut off by a Henderson left. Hard outside low kick by Cerrone. With 60 seconds to go, the Boston crowd roars. Henderson jumps in with a knee and Cerrone looks for a takedown momentarily. Henderson pops his foe with a jab, Cerrone responds with a leg kick, then looks high. They trade body kicks. The 10-second clapper goes and Cerrone launches a flying knee, but Henderson guards himself and stays safe.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Henderson (29-28 Henderson)
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Henderson (29-28 Cerrone)
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 Henderson (29-28 Henderson)

The Official Result

Donald Cerrone def. Benson Henderson via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Conor McGregor vs. Dennis Siver

Round 1

The featherweights trade left body kicks, then McGregor sends a spinning wheel kick way over the head of Siver. McGregor already switching stances in the middle of the cage, then hits Siver with a spinning back kick. Switch-step jumping head kick by McGregor is blocked by Siver, then another spinning wheel kick goes wife. Siver shoots in and gets rejected. Siver lands a right kick to the body as McGregor steps in, but the Irishman responds with a clean left hand. Flying knee lands for McGregor, but Siver lands a hook when he lands. Another switch-step head kick from McGregor, but most of it is blocked this time. Left head kick and a right cross land for McGregor, then a left cross. The “Notorious” one is starting to land harder, cleaner shots. Siver's face is already visibly reddened. A jumping knee for McGregor lands, then a left cross knocks Siver's mouthguard out. McGregor is stalking Siver, but not active enough, as Herb Dean halts the action for a moment to put Siver's mouthguard back in. On the restart, McGregor lands another left cross, then powers out of a Siver double-leg takedown which puts him on his seat for a second. McGregor hops back to his seat and continues unloading on Siver. This is turning into a very casual beating. Siver's left eye is busted up as McGregor keeps lancing him with kicks and spearing him with long left crosses. As the round ends, McGregor has Siver trapped on the cage, unloading with both hands.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 McGregor
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 McGregor
Brian Knapp scores the round 10-9 McGregor

Round 2

The second round begins where the first ended, with McGregor stalking and taunting Siver. The Irishman lands another left head kick, then a left cross. McGregor's left hand seems tethered to Siver. Siver sneaks a clean hook or body kick in every so often, but he's so overwhelmed by McGregor's volume and power that it hardly seems to matter. Another streak of hard left hands from McGregor have Siver's face badly bloodied. McGregor lands yet another clean piston of a left hand, this one putting Siver on his back. Siver's still conscious, but he's beyond the point of defeated. McGregor casually sits into full mount, punching and elbowing away until referee Herb Dean rescues Siver. McGregor immediately runs out of the cage and tries to confront UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo, but is halted by security. From several feet away, McGregor screams at Aldo, who grins in amusement from his cageside seat.

The Official Result

Conor McGregor def. Dennis Siver via TKO (Punches) R2 1:54