The Weekly Wrap: Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

Jack EncarnacaoNov 06, 2009
Evgeni Kogan/

Fedor's no fan of Rocky IV.

"I'm hungry. I have the desire. I'm strong. I'm bigger than him. He likes to take on big dudes, and I feel he should be like 205, if anything. … He can get sloppy. He can get sloppy when he's standing, because he throws too many combinations and he puts his hands down -- that's one thing that I see. He likes to flurry and he leaves himself open. And he ducks his head a lot too." -- Brett Rogers to USA Today on Fedor Emelianenko.

"There are a lot of mistakes in this movie. From the beginning to end, it's a totally false thing. Have you actually seen the eyes of a person who has been knocked down three times? I don't think it's a good movie actually." -- Fedor Emelianenko to on the movie "Rocky IV."

“Two fatties swinging like bums. Yawn, stretch, back to sleep.” -- Chael Sonnen to on the Fedor vs. Rogers bout.

"I'm sure none of them will get on, and we'll see a bunch of guys that are terrible but think they're the best fighters in the world. The truth is, if you're a really good fighter, it's because you train hard, you don't drink and you're doing the right things, which makes for boring TV. That's why they haven't had a second season of the veterans. All the veterans sit around and say, ‘Oh man, we can't drink, we've got to get up at seven in the morning and run.'" -- Nick Thompson to MMA Weekly on the TUF 11 tryouts he recently participated in.

"Fifty percent of me wants to get back out there because I'm going to be a great fighter, and the other 50 percent is financially (motivated). We went from two vehicles to one vehicle. But we're not doing anything that no one else in this economy is doing." -- Corey Hill to MMA Weekly on his desire and need to return to the game after a brutal leg injury last year.

"Anybody that says that to me, I feel bad for them. Because they’ve never put themselves into something, and given of themselves so much, and cared about something so much, that not getting it broke them. Those people have never truly lived." -- Forrest Griffin on those who criticized his abrupt exit from the cage following his UFC 101 loss to Anderson Silva.

"Then a manager comes out, a guy in a suit and says 'What seems to be the problem?' I was like, 'Well, I have a black eye; that's the only problem. I know this looks really ridiculous.' So he asks me for my ID. I hand him my license and he's like, 'Your license says Pat Barry, but this check was written to Patrick Barry.' So I decided to be funny and tell him Pat Barry is in my trunk right now. He didn’t laugh. So I told him, ‘Take your time, man. Do whatever you need to do because I have nowhere to go and my truck probably won’t start when I go outside, so you can just do whatever you need to do.’ An hour later he came back and everything was fine, the check was in my bank account." -- Patrick Barry talks to about cashing his bonus-ridden $120,000 check for his UFC 104 win.

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The Week Ahead

A slew of significant fallout from two Strikeforce cards and an intriguing Sengoku card. Plus, the UFC gears up for UFC 105 from the U.K.