The Doggy Bag: Crossover Edition StaffMar 06, 2015
What strange MMA celebrity do you want to make a return? | Photo: Daniel Herbertson/

Kimbo's back, Ken Shamrock is back, CM Punk just had his first pro practice and Brock Lesnar looks like he will be back soon. Excluding Jose Canseco, what weird athlete or former fighter do you want to see get another chance at glory? Talking about Canseco makes me miss Hong Man Choi, but I think a Charles “Krazy Horse” Bennett retirement fight sounds better to me. -- Jacob from Texas

Chris Nelson, associate editor: Just to be clear, Jose Canseco is excluded from this? Damn, alright.

(For real though: as little as MMA wants him back, remembering his performance against Choi, I have to assume there’s no one who wants to see Jose Canseco fight again less than Jose Canseco.)

MMA has given us so much weirdness over the years, my head is spinning just trying to pick one answer for this. Choi was interesting to watch -- if not always the most entertaining -- but it seems like his fighting days are behind him. Likewise for Krazy Horse, who I think of once in a while but haven’t heard anything about in a few years (and that was just him being arrested for the nth time). Until recently, my answer would have been Tamdan McCrory; not that he was necessarily “weird,” but he was certainly an anomaly when he fought in the UFC, with his unusual nickname and demeanor. Thankfully, “Barn Cat” 2.0 is now upon us and currently doling out pain in Bellator.

If we’re looking at a retirement match-type situation, honestly, I wouldn’t mind watching Herschel Walker fight again. It’s been said many times, but it really can’t be overstated what a physical specimen this man is. Sure, he’s in his 50s now, but the guy was 47 before he ever set foot inside a cage and look what he did against... well, they weren’t top- or even mid-tier fighters, but they were guys who had at least fought before. A couple years after his pair of fights, Walker said he wanted to close out his MMA career with a fight in the Octagon. UFC brass shot that one down pretty quickly, but with Walker’s former Strikeforce boss Scott Coker now in charge over at Bellator and signing the likes of Kimbo, it feels like anything is possible.