Newcomer Remus Viteza Ciobnu is trained by Royler Gracie (Pictures)/David Adiv brown belt Eddie Kone in Wanstead, East London. I dont know much about Ciobnus history and havent managed to dig up much on his record.
Although Ciobnu is obviously brave, its impossible to pick against Rea here. Unless the newcomer is very good, hes not going to be able to take Rea down, let alone control him on the floor. Reas been in the cage with guys like Rich Franklin (Pictures), Daisuke Watanabe (Pictures), Marvin Eastman (Pictures) and Matt Horwich (Pictures). He lost three of those fights, but he always looked good in defeat.
The bottom line is that Reas for real and hes got too much experience and too much skill to slip up on this one. Hell pull out a victory by TKO in the first round.