The Weekly Wrap: Aug. 14 - Aug. 20

Jack EncarnacaoAug 22, 2010
Shane Carwin file photo: Dave Mandel |

Carwin Implicated in Steroid Case

UFC heavyweight contender Shane Carwin was named by a federal prosecutor in an Alabama courtroom as a recipient of illegal steroids from a pharmacist convicted in a steroid distribution ring run by a company called Applied Pharmacy Services.

Carwin was mentioned alongside professional wrestlers and bodybuilders as receiving steroids from supervising pharmacist J. Michael Bennett between April 2004 and August 2006, The Mobile Press Register reported. Court papers indicate the substances distributed included Testosterone, Nandrolone and Stanozolol. Carwin, a former college football and wrestling standout, made his MMA debut in October 2005.

Bennett was sentenced to four years in prison for his role in the ring. The clinic’s owners have yet to be sentenced. Infinite Health, a company in Carwin’s home state of Colorado, is also implicated in the case.

Neither Carwin nor UFC officials had publicly commented on the issue by week’s end. Carwin hinted on Twitter that he is being legally advised against commenting.