The Doggy Bag: The Big and Small Edition StaffJun 10, 2012

How on earth did Frank Mir get a therapeutic use exemption for testosterone? He's already massive. Am I supposed to believe he had problems producing testosterone when he was putting on muscle for Brock Lesnar? This shows what a sham TRT is. Mir looked awful against Junior dos Santos, and the fact he was allowed to use testosterone at all proves this is all a crock -- in case Todd Duffee wasn't enough for you. -- Dustin from Reno

TJ De Santis, Sherdog Radio Network program director: Yup, another fighter is on TRT. Yeah, this one is a former champion. And, yes, he is another one under 40 years old. When I listen to the radio, I hear spots for men who have a low sex drive, lack of energy and general depression. The ad goes on to say that men suffering from these symptoms may want to consult a physician to see if they are in need of testosterone replacement therapy. The men targeted in these ads are 50 years or older.

So, in a politically correct world we are to believe that Chael Sonnen, Alistair Overeem, Todd Duffee and now Frank Mir all suffer from an ailment that plagues men past the middle stages of life. I find it funny that so many fighters are willing to proclaim "my body does not work like a normal man's should" just to gain a transparent competitive edge.

Then again, no one really focuses on the point that these gentleman are saying their bodies aren't functioning like normal males. Fans that dislike TRT in the sport just play the "cheating" card. I feel your sentiments regarding Mir. This is a man that has been featured on the cover of Muscle and Fitness. He is also a much larger man than he was in the earlier days of the UFC.

Mir has gone in front of the commission and has been granted an exemption to regulate his testosterone levels. The commission and his doctor feel that they have sufficient proof that Mir suffers from ailments that generally only effect men 15-20 years older than him. Is it insulting to him that I am comparing him to men with AARP cards? Maybe. But that is something I am sure he thought about before applying for a TUE.

Fighters seem oddly willing to say, "I am not a normal man, please help me resemble one." In a sport where "peacocking" is rampant and alpha males go out of their way to wear the tightest T-shirt, it is strange so many fighters are willing to, at best, admit, and, maybe worse, pretend, to have low testosterone.

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