The Doggy Bag: Now With More Nick Diaz! StaffFeb 12, 2012
What's really been going on in Georges St. Pierre's head recently? | Photo: Dave Mandel

I am curious if you believe Georges St. Pierre’s comments that he would give up his welterweight title to face Nick Diaz. I doubt that’s true, and it seems like a convenient way for yet another person to avoid giving Carlos Condit his due. Condit has earned his fight, and I think that, even though GSP beats him 99 times out of 100, he has a better chance of making the upset happen than Diaz or another contender out there at 170 pounds. -- Wade from Phoenix

Brian Knapp, features editor: Let us hope St. Pierre’s emotions simply got the best of him, having boiled over in response to Diaz’s now-infamous post-UFC 137 tirade in which he questioned whether or not the longtime champion was legitimately injured. At this point, the issue becomes moot because of the lengthy suspension Diaz faces in response to a positive test for suspected marijuana use after his interim welterweight title match with Condit at UFC 143. As much as St. Pierre wants to face Diaz, he has other, more pressing concerns: his rehabilitation from reconstructive knee surgery and a unification bout with Condit.

I do not believe St. Pierre’s comments reflect any intention on his part to dismiss or ignore Condit. As men who fly the Jackson’s Mixed Martial Arts banner, they know one another well, and St. Pierre has to realize he will be in for a serious test once he returns from injury. Five rounds with Condit is no picnic for anyone, especially a 31-year-old with a suspect knee who has not competed in nearly two years.

Condit’s one-strike knockout power, well-rounded offensive game, excellent conditioning and ability to fight off his back give him a far better shot at knocking off the welterweight king. St. Pierre might win 99 times out of 100, as you said, but, as Matt Serra reminded us in 2007, anything can happen inside the confines of that cage.

Perhaps someday St. Pierre will get the opportunity to settle his personal vendetta with Diaz. For now, he would be wise to turn his attention elsewhere and focus on the challenge at hand.

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