Sherdog’s Top 10: Inside Fighters

Patrick WymanJan 13, 2015

8. Demetrious Johnson

The Ultimate Fighting Championship flyweight champion is best known for his technical footwork at range, lightning-fast double-leg takedown and blistering speed, but over the last two years, Johnson has also become one of the very best in-fighters in the sport. When John Dodson stung him with vicious shots at range during their bout in January 2013, Johnson steered the fight into the clinch, where he pummeled and wore down the harder puncher with a brutal series of knees to the body and head.

Johnson is not the most physically imposing flyweight, but he imposes his grinding, damaging inside game through picture-perfect technique. His pressure from the double-collar tie almost defies description: Johnson took entire rounds from Ali Bagautinov, a sambo world champion and exceptional infighter in his own right, using mostly that position to stuff takedowns, throw the Dagestani off-balance and land knee after knee to his head and body.

The double-collar tie is just one facet of Johnson’s inside game, though. He can also hit trips and hip tosses, throws beautiful elbows and transitions seamlessly from collar ties to over-under to side clinches, all the while unleashing a steady stream of offense. Chris Cariaso, for example, managed to stay safe for a short while, but Johnson nearly took off his head with a knee at the end of the first round, and the end came only a short way into the second.

Opponents can game plan to take away Johnson’s range striking and they can strategize to avoid his explosive shot takedowns, but no opponent can avoid his clinch game forever. The only real knock is that Johnson’s clinch repertoire is a relatively recent development, and in a few years, he will probably rank much higher. Regardless, however, the trend is clear: Let “Mighty Mouse” inside, and he will tear you to pieces.

Number 7 » He is a fighter of many parts, boasting a strong pressure game at distance, slick chained takedowns and perhaps the most devastating top game in the sport today.