Karo Parisyan
-- Dxfiler
Karo got what he deserved.
-- KickFromHell
MMA Rankings
Welterweight: Paulo Thiago at #6 [in the Sherdog.com rankings] is crazy. He got a knockout over a guy who was cemented in the top five. This much is true, but he was getting destroyed before the knockout. I don't understand why he's almost cracking the top five with one win, when someone like Junior dos Santos, who destroyed a cemented top 10 in Werdum and then followed it up with another brutal KO, can't break the top 10 in a much less stacked division. Paulo is 9 or 10, at best right now. Chances are good he loses to Jon Fitch and falls right out, but if he beats Fitch then he's at or around top five. To have him ranked there already after a flash KO is lunacy.
-- Dxfiler
WAMMA, who are they kidding? The UFC will never acknowledge them as legit. It would be nice, but in the real world it will never happen. The UFC is the major player, and if they won't cooperate it makes it meaningless. WAMMA only has two champions for this reason.
-- JCA1623
Parting Shot
King Mo is a true MMA superstar. We are witnessing the birth of the next truly great fighter here.
-- BM2
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