The Doggy Bag: Greasy Situation

Feb 08, 2009
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Who's recycled?
Probst Blue Ribbon

Your article "Fedor’s Affliction" elicits a total lack of knowledge and respect for the talent on the upcoming Affliction card. You refer maliciously to the card as being full of "old UFC vets" who are "recycled" from the UFC. It is as if you only watch the monthly UFC card and assume that if a fighter has not been fighting in the UFC he must be in some minor league outfit wrestling in a local school gym and working at the corner gas station in the evenings. These "recycled" veterans happen to be some of the best in the sport. Many of these veterans could contend for the UFC title tomorrow without any difficulties. If Sherdog is going to maintain its proper place as a fancenter for MMA, perhaps its writers should not be in the pockets of the Fertitta brothers.
-- Mark Phillips

Jason Probst, columnist: I wish you could enjoy reading this email as much as I enjoyed reading yours. It ranks savagely high on the Unintentional Comedy Scale.

If you want, I could have Messrs. Lorenzo and Frank send over an Etruscan bidet to soothe your angst. Never used, only dropped once -- eBay value of $135,000.

Jason, I just wanted to drop you a note on your article.

You sound like a Zuffa groupie or employee.

That's about it.

-- E. Hilsenberg

Probst: I have to admit it. I shill for the UFC. Dana pays me well, mostly via autographed Harold Howard memorabilia.

Especially with articles like this that run on the front of ESPN's MMA page for two months last summer.

Yours in Schadenfreude, J.P.

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