Just My Thoughts: And Other’s as Well

Mike SloanOct 07, 2005

I have received an inhuman amount of E-mails regarding Zuffa’s media ban. Most were just angry tirade-laden letters. Some were neutral. Some actually sided with Zuffa. Here is a quick sample:

From Lance (Indiana): Hey Mike, this media ban from Dana White is f___ing retarded! Why did he do that?

From Ken (New York): Man, Dana White has to be doing some sort of drugs. This man is a lunatic crack head! Please tell me that he is hooked on drugs or something!

From Slydog (Florida): Yo man, this is whack. F__k Dana and the UFC! He has banned you because he is up to something illegal and doesn’t want you kids messing around and finding things out. He’s probably rigging the fights.

From Lyle (Florida): Ha ha hah! You guys suck. I am glad you have been banned because you guys aren’t real journalists anyway. I will still buy the UFC events and I don’t even care about the media. I just visit your site to get quick news and that’s it.

From another Ken (unknown): I am remaining neutral on this topic because I am a casual fan. It sucks that you have been banned, but it really doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care either way.

From Snoopy (unknown): “I am so mad!”

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