Wanderlei Silva
-- Totalstranga
I am really excited to see Wanderlei Silva vs. Rich Franklin; it's a fight that is tailor made to make “The Axe Murderer” look great. He's fighting a guy who is not thirty pounds heavier than he is and doesn't look great against world-class strikers. Franklin's not a push over by any means, and I'm sure he'll give Wanderlei his all, but at the end of the day I feel like the UFC is finally giving Silva an opportunity to return to the form of his old PrideFC days. He's going into the cage against a guy who can strike and isn't afraid to get in there and mix it up, but is no where near Silva's level. I feel confident saying this: Wanderlei by vicious KO, welcome back, Axe Murderer.
-- MeanGene
To me, Franklin-Wanderlei comes down to two questions. Can Wanderlei make good use of the clinch? Can Silva take a good shot from Franklin?
-- Trebekmustdie
Bully Beatdown
MTV'S “Bully Beatdown” was hilarious, [Jason “Mayhem” Miller] is a great host and I hope we [get] a few seasons out of this show.
-- BtownBrawler
I had a hard enough time sitting through the Junie [Allen Browning] show waiting for them to put the forced reality TV drama on standby long enough to actually show a fight. MTV's “Bully Beatdown” is great if you're a 14-year-old boy, but for the mature MMA fan I don't recommend it. Skip it. Unless you enjoy campy, forced reality TV and an exaggerated cartoonish version of Miller, I would spend my time on something else.
-- MeanGene
Where is He Now?
It was great to learn more about [Fred Ettish] and "clear the air," so to speak by giving some attention to the rest of his accomplishments to start to balance out the unfair beating he took and for having the guts to fight in a steel cage when 99% of his anonymous Internet detractors would never do the same.
-- Swirldog
It's nice having these articles about past fighters. Sometimes MMA fans just associate the fighter with their performances, but to see a fighter as an actual human being who went through some truly harsh perils in life and still come out on top, well it shows how strong of will, and determination a human soul can have.
-- Yossarian1979
Parting Shots
Just what Anderson Silva needs... a gun.
-- DXfiler
I think Thales Leites should have the gun.
-- Fashion Assasin
It's ironic that Chuck Liddell and Wanderlei are at such similar parts of their career. Both are on a steep decline seeking that last run at glory. Sadly, I don't see either train reaching the station. Title dreams are long past for both men, but I believe we have a few wars left for both of them, hopefully together [in the Octagon] one more time. NYE 09 anyone?
-- MegaMegaRoboCop
I'm very hopeful about [Bobby] Lashley's future in MMA. He came into the sport very respectful and with all the physical tools to make it work. He still has plenty to learn and holes to fill, but it seems like he's got a long term vision for where he's going. I'm eager to see his next fight.
-- Aas Gutu Adeli
Please send feedback to mailbag@sherdog.com. Your letter could appear in the next edition of “The Doggy Bag.”