Pros Pick: Giving Thanks

Mike SloanNov 25, 2010

Mike Ciesnolevicz: I am thankful for an amazing family and friends that have supported me in my dreams of being a professional MMA fighter. I am thankful my parents pushed me to go to college and get a degree first. I am thankful for all the troops who have fought for our country over the years and gave their lives for us. I am also thankful for my health because life can oftentimes be short, and I have lost a few friends in the past few years that died way too young and unexpectedly. I am thankful that I was lucky enough to find my soul mate in life, my future wife, Valerie, who makes me a better person every day and always has my back. Lastly, I am thankful for the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary, only a hundred times better, called a Ceasar. I am also thankful for chocolate-covered almonds and anything to do with coffee.

Ray Elbe: I’m thankful for all the opportunities fighting has given me. I have traveled the world making friends and can’t believe that I have called Thailand “home” for the past three years.

Ron Foster: I’m thankful for so many things. First and foremost, I thank God for my health and my loving friends and family; my wife, Rachel, my son, RJ, and my two daughters, Raechyll and Sydney, who support me in all I do. I love you guys! I’ve been active duty Army now for going on 15 years and have missed countless holidays, birthdays, weddings and other special occasions, so it’s such a blessing just to be able to spend this holiday season with my friends and family. I’m thankful for all the troops fighting for our right to live free in America! Last but not least, I’m thankful to my team at Stars MMA. Look out for Stars MMA in 2011; we are changing the game.

Brian Warren: I’m thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ is always there when I need Him, sad that family and friends never are. Thankful for my baby that gives me joy, her mother, well, that’s another time. Thankful to be able to help others in this world with my new business.

Keith Berry: I think a lot of us complain about petty things and take things for granted. I’m just thankful to be healthy, to be living in California and to be fighting professionally. It’s always been what I wanted to do, even when I was a little s--t (laughs). God bless, and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Stephane Vigneault: I am thankful Cain Velasquez took the belt from Brock [Lesnar].

Robin Black: I am thankful for the UFC, Georges St. Pierre, [UFC President] Dana White and stuff making people so hungry for MMA in Canada that I can work in the media and make a half-decent living in the sport that I love. I am thankful that I am a bantamweight, so I never have to get smashed by [Brock] Lesnar or [Cain] Velasquez or [Shane] Carwin. I am thankful I don’t have [a] gross staph [infection] and that the paralysis in my face from a bad punch went away after four months.

Matt Hamilton: I’m thankful most for my parents. Without them, I wouldn’t have all the other things that I’m so thankful for: my friends, my gym, my life as it is. My parents always supported me, even when I was not using either of my college degrees by making $100 to fight in a dog pen in some smoky club. Thanks to their unwavering support, I’ve gotten to live a dream, and I appreciate it more than I can ever convey to them. But, I guess, in the end it’s the least they could have done after saddling me with these non-fighter genetics. Happy Thanksgiving, Mom and Dad.

Ricardo Liborio: I am thankful for my family, working in the field that I love and for my daughter to be alive. I can’t ask for much more than that.

Roy Arriola: I’m thankful for my beautiful wife of 16 years. I’m thankful for my four beautiful healthy kids. I’m thankful for my health. I’m thankful for my family and friends. I’m thankful that I am able to put food on the table and clothe my family. I’m thankful for the trials and tribulations I’ve experienced. I’m thankful for the opportunity to live my dreams in and outside the cage and ring. I’m thankful to be blessed with a loving family that puts up with my shortfalls. I’m thankful to be who I am. I ain’t thankful for this big gut I have, though.

Chase Beebe: I’m thankful for the fact that God allows me to continue to do what I love, helps to keep me on the right path and allows me to pursue my dreams. I’m also thankful to my family for all their support and always being there; also for my friends, training partners and gyms for your support and for keeping me sharp. And for the sport that has brought new meaning to sports entertainment and has shown us how far we can push ourselves.

Anthony Leone: I’m just so thankful to be living. I fill my life with great people. Whether it’s my family, friends or training partners, we all have a common interest: make the best of this life and do it with risk, rewards and a ton of fun. Everything else I do is just a plus.

Shamar Bailey: Being thankful implies that you have been given something that enhances who you are as a person and your quality of life. That being said, I’m thankful for the gift of family, for the stability that faith in God brings and for everything he has provided for me in life. All of us here know that life as a fighter can be a wild ride with lots of ups and downs. I’m thankful for being able to compete in the greatest and purest sport of mankind and hope to make the most of the opportunities given to me. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Ryan LaFlare: I’m thankful for my very supportive family and friends; they give me motivation and drive to put everything I have in the cage and training. I am also thankful for my daughter, Riley, who brought a new light into my life and gave me an entire new outlook on my life.

You can also contact Mike Sloan at Brian Knapp contributed to this report.