Jan 29, 2004

Murilo "Ninja" Rua vs. Alexander "The Diet Butcher" Otsuka

MURILO RUA: Brazilian muay Thai fighter, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu grappler, placed 6th in 1999 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship, Shooto veteran, MECA veteran, trains under Rudjimar Frederico and with PFC veterans Wanderlei Silva, Mauricio Rua, Jorge Patino and members of the Chute Boxe Academy as well as Cristiano Marcelo, with a record of 9-3-1 in MMA, making his 8th appearance (4-3) in the ring of the PFC.

Abbreviated Fight History: Murilo was a non-athletic chubby little boy who loved martial arts movies. With his mother's encouragement he began training at the Chute Boxe Academy at 14 years old. Jose "Pele" Landi-jons was his main trainer. At 17 Rua decided to compete in some local Vale Tudo events. He performed well and became a professional fighter at age 20 fighting in the MECA events held by Chute Boxe trainer Rudjimar Frederico. He debuted at Pride 20 with a KO over Daijiro Matsui and had been a regular on Pride cards until last year. Below are some of Rua's more significant contests.

Rua/Adriano Bay Boy: In Meca Vale Tudo 1, "Ninja" faced a fighter who looked much like a compacted Vitor Belfort named Adriano "Bad Boy" and stood toe-to-toe with the fellow Brazilian. At one point Murilo was rocked in that match but he was able to keep his presence of mind and fight right back. When his opponent couldn't hang with him on the feet, he brought the "Ninja" to the ground where Murilo finished him with a triangle choke. As is often the case with that choke, when the "Bad Boy" tapped Rua released him and he shot back to the mat like he was fired out of a cannon.

Rua/ Israel Albuquerque: His bout at the Meca 2 event against Israel Albuquerque showcased Murilo's ability to counter submissions. I counted seven submission attempts in one sequence thwarted by Murilo and he finished his opponent, Israel Albuquerque, with strikes on the ground.

Rua/Daijiro Matsui: He debuted against Takada Dojo's Daijiro Matsui at Pride 16. There he punished the Japanese fighter for two rounds and came out in the third round to end the lesson with a kicking display to win by KO.

Rua/Dan Henderson: "Ninja" fought Dan Henderson at Pride 17 in a riveting confrontation. It was the fight of the night and if there was ever a contest that begged for an overtime period, this was it. Rua suffered his first loss in MMA.

Rua/Mario Sperry: At Pride 20, Rua did his part to defend the Chute Boxe camp's honor and took a decision win over the Brazilian Top Team's leader Mario Sperry. Rua was devastating, nearly KOing the "Zen Machine" in the first round. By his own admission Sperry said he was out of the fight at that point and simply held on for the 20-minute duration.

Rua/Akira Shoji: At the Pride Shockwave NYE show, "Ninja" was forced to roll a bit with Shoji before he got up and blasted him with a flying knee minutes into the first round.

Also worthy of note: Rua battled Akihiro Gono (draw), Alex Andrade (win/decision) and Ricardo Arona (loss/decision) and Kevin Randleman (loss/TKO)

Strengths And Weaknesses: Rua's strength is his muay Thai training at Chute Boxe Academy. He is a very accurate and punishing striker who enjoys standing and trading with his opponents. His ground work is solid and he'll G'n'P with the best of them if given the opportunity. His attitude is also a major strength. He is confident, sometimes bordering on fearless. This can also prove to be a weakness. He isn't the strongest submission fighter but his superior striking has a way over covering up that weakness.

How He Can Beat Otsuka: By pounding him. He is likely just happy to be back in the ring as he only fought once last year and that was on New Years Eve so it is actually closer to two years. This should be a day at the office for "Ninja". Otsuka has some ability but nothing a trained killer from Chute Boxe can't handle.

ALEXANDER OTSUKA: Japanese submission wrestler, Battlarts professional wrestler, Kingdom Submission Wrestling veteran, RINGS veteran, with a record of 3-12 in MMA, making his 9th appearance (2-7) in the ring of the PFC.

Abbreviated Fight History: Otsuka is a professional wrestler and longtime veteran of the PFC. He spent many years as a Battlarts wrestler and briefly fought on the RINGS Fighting Network. His MMA career has not been a successful one but he has never turned down a challenge. Having fought Ruas, Vovchanchyn, Ken Shamrock, Renzo Gracie, Wanderlei Silva and Quinton Jackson, he earns the respect of fighters and fans alike. Below are some of Otsuka's more significant contests.

Otsuka/Marco Ruas: Otsuka shot in and was nailed with a right roundhouse kick early. Ruas momentarily took Otsuka's back but then he laid in guard and tried to control Alexander on the mat. Otsuka stood and threw kicks, punches and foot stomps to keep Ruas grounded. Ruas grabs a leg and nearly applies a leg lock but Otsuka falls into guard. Marco looked tired early on and when he was finally able to roll Alexander and mount him, he was running out of time. From mount Ruas pounded Otsuka in the face and even put his chin Otsuka's eye. They roll and Ruas seizes the back, working for the rear choke but it isn't sunk in. Bleeding and battered, Otsuka hangs on and the first round bell rings. As round two begins, Ruas looks spent with his hands down at his sides. Otsuka eventually shoots and Ruas sprawls but simply holds him there until Otsuka gets back to his feet in the corner. Alexander spins out of a double underhook and they clinch in the corner trading foot stomps. After a high knee and right hook to the head, Otsuka takes Ruas down and works from half mount. Otsuka controls from the top with Ruas just covering up. A bloody Ruas keeps Otsuka at bay until the bell finally sounds but can no longer continue. Word is Ruas was on medication at the time and was in desperate need of knee surgery.

Otsuka/Igor Vovchanchyn: Alkexander withstood heavy punishment from the Ukrainian nightmare. He was bloodied early but traded with Igor. Vovchanchyn got tagged and wound up going to the ground in Otsuka's guard but that was Alexander's one glimmer of hope. Igor owned him the rest of the bout and took the unanimous decision to advance in the Heavyweight GP tournament.

Otsuka/Ken Shamrock: They trade kicks and punches standing with Shamrock looking crisper. Otsuka, always the pro wrestler, bounces off the ropes and points to the crowd. They continue to trade standing with Shamrock landing solid uppercuts to the body and Otsuka landing knees inside a clinch. Otsuka continues his theatrics and reacts to pain when struck. He lands a nice overhand right to Shamrock's head and Ken locks him up, eventually getting the takedown. From the mount Shamrock stays busy and periodically works for a keylock. Alexander cannot buck Ken off and only when Shamrock misses an armbar attempt is he able to get back to his feet. They trade again standing with Shamrock in control. Otsuka tries a takedown but Shamrock easily defends and punishes him for it. In the final stand-up sequence, Shamrock is in complete control and finishes Otsuka of with a right-left flurry.

Otsuka/Wanderlei Silva: The majority of the first round was fought on the feet in the clinch. Otsuka had his moments but Silva controlled throughout. Silva didn't seem in a rush to finish him. Round two brought more of the same; Silva having fun punishing him and Otsuka staying alive. Otsuka got guard late in the round and moved from side mount to north/south but the bell rang. In round three, Silva immediately took Otsuka down and got side mount. Silva got up and exchanged on the feet. The bout ended due to a right hand to the nose and knee to the face that resulted in a doctor's stoppage.

Also worthy of note: Otsuka battled Egan Inoue (loss/submission), Renzo Gracie (loss/decision), Guy Mezger (loss/TKO,loss/TKO), Quinton Jackson (loss/TKO), Sanae Kikuta (loss/decision), Anderson Silva (loss/decision) and Norihisa Yamamoto (loss/TKO), Kenichi Yamamoto (win/decision)

Strengths And Weaknesses: Although his record doesn't reflect it, Otsuka has improved his overall game. His stand-up skills have looked good at times but his biggest strength is his heart. I know by saying "that guy has heart", it often means he's a lousy fighter and simply continues to take a beating night after night. I'm also not saying it's not what I am implying here. What I'm saying is he has a heart…and he has to if he wants to stay alive! Ha ha! These are the jokes folks! Please remember to tip your waiter.

How He Can Beat Rua: Persistence and focus. "Ninja" will come out on fire and if Otsuka can weather the initial storm and mount some offense of his own, he may catch him. Don't ask me if I believe this theory, but it is possible. Heck, most anything is possible.

MY PICK: Rua. If Murilo were to somehow lose this match, he'd likely take out that little toy ninja sword he carries to the ring and gut himself like one of his movie heroes. Amazingly, Otsuka is coming in off a win. It was his first in two and a half years. It's a shame he won't be able to get used to that feeling. Rua will severely beat Otsuka as if he'd stolen something from him. He may even knock him out just to keep the streak alive between him and his brother "Shogun".