Of Slice and Men: Kimbo/Alexander Rumored for Memphis

Jake RossenOct 14, 2009

In trumpeting the puzzling charisma of Kimbo Slice on “The Ultimate Fighter,” the UFC has essentially given home to a pet they’ll wind up serving up for dinner. No one gets a free ride in the organization: if you’re friends with promoter Dana White, you’re likely to get treated even more harshly. (Chuck Liddell, fed killer after killer in his twilight years, being exhibit A.)

Slice won’t be getting any dock workers or veterans approaching senility, but he might luck out by getting a man virtually guaranteed to stand with him: light heavyweight Houston Alexander, a potential opponent for Slice at UFC 107 in Memphis on December 12. (Rumor courtesy Fiveouncesofpain.com.) If Alexander has ever shot in for a takedown in his UFC career, I missed it.

This is about as much of a gift-wrapped opponent as you’re likely to get in the UFC, and it’s still not much of one: Alexander is faster on the draw than Slice, who’s used to the relatively slower speeds of the bigger guys. But there aren’t many alternatives: try to imagine him in a fight with a Cain Velasquez or Pat Barry. You’d have to put crime scene tape around the ring.