Life is relative.
If being amused by television includes cringing at the deeply scarred addicts of A&E’s docu-crap “Intervention,” then have they got an episode for you: Brink was a featured guest on Monday’s episode (replays throughout the week) where he admitted to a crystal meth addiction that’s been going strong for five years. After smoking or injecting, Brink will station himself in front of the television and watch pornography for 10-12 hours straight; when he was arrested for assault a year ago, his wife resumed her porn career to pay for -- well, I’m not sure what, exactly, but it was probably drugs. And she seemed quite upset about it.
After prolonged sobbing, a postscript indicated Brink accepted an offer for treatment … then started smoking meth again a few weeks later. This was just in case you dared leave your living room feeling even slightly optimistic.
How or why this domestic strife becomes fodder for a camera crew is beyond my ability to understand. John McCain was wrong: MMA is not the end of civilization as we know it. “Intervention” is.