Away from MMA, Josh Burkman Rediscovered Love for the Sport StaffNov 02, 2012

Josh Burkman, on “Beatdown,” discussing the changes he’s made:

“When I got injured, I had fighting taken away from me. I had it taken away from me for a little bit over a year. I couldn’t go in a fight gym -- I couldn’t do none of it, and then I realized how much I loved what I did. Over that year I changed my lifestyle so much. I changed my diet and the way that I went about training. When I was able to get back into the fight gym, I just got this renewed passion for learning. I think that’s what keeps me so motivated is learning. There’s always something new to learn, whether it’s jiu-jitsu or wrestling or boxing. There’s always a new trick. I think when you’re learning, you’re having fun and then that makes me work harder. The harder that I work, the more that I like what I’m doing.”

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