

Bellator 65 Results & Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from the Boardwalk Hall Ballroom in Atlantic City, N.J., at approximately 6:10 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Bellator 65, which is headlined by the Bellator bantamweight title bout between champion Zach Makovsky and challenger Eduardo Dantas.

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Mikhail Malyutin vs. E.J. Brooks

Round 1

Brooks opens the proceedings by pawing with his right and follows with a couple of kicks. Brooks connects with another inside leg kick and ducks down for a half-hearted double-leg attempt. He changes that and works the clinch game, but Maluytin breaks free none the worse for wear. Brooks throws another high leg kick and Malyutin still doesn't seem ready to go yet. Brooks paws with a right again, and this time Malyutin counters with a shot to the body. Brooks explodes for another double-leg attempt and puts Maluytin up against the cage. After about 30 seconds struggling for the takedown, Brooks finally puts Malyutin on the mat and looks to take his back. Malyutin grabs his wrist to prevent Brooks from doing that though and manages to stand the fight back up. Both fighters are still working from the clinch until Brooks breaks away from the Russian. Brooks connects with another strong kick to the body as the relatively uneventful round comes to a close.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brooks
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Brooks
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Brooks

Round 2
Brooks opens the second with a slick duck-under single-leg takedown attempt. Malyutin is hopping around trying to avoid the takedown but Brooks lifts him up for the slam and goes to work from half guard. Brooks never establishes position though allowing Malyutin to stand up and hit a double-leg of his own to take the former Missouri wrestler down. Brooks immediately gets back up though and the fight is back on its feet. Brooks goes back to where his bread is buttered with another double-leg attempt putting Malyutin up against the fence but it devolves into working from the clinch and eventually Brooks breaking away and bringing the action back to the center of the cage. Brooks reloads with another takedown attempt and this time is successful taking Malyutin to the mat and taking his back. Malyutin tries to roll through to get away from Brooks but he quickly turns to his back to avoid giving up bad position. As the round ends Malyutin tries to stand up but runs into a Brooks guillotine attempt that goes for naught.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brooks
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Brooks
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Brooks

Keith Mills

Brooks got to show off his
strength against Malyutin.
Round 3
Malyutin throws a right to start the round with little effect. Brooks closes the distance on Malyutin and works from the clinch where Malyutin tried to work a single leg of his own. Brooks countered with a delightfully awkward gutwrench slam attempt that went no where. In the scramble off that Brooks finds himself taking the Russian's back again and Malyutin turns to his back. Brooks moves to side guard on Malyutin and works a kimura attempt that goes nowhere then transitions to mount off that. Malyutin escapes through Brooks' legs and the resulting scramble sees both fighters working on their feet with about 90 seconds left in the round. Malyutin looks spent but keeps trying to close the distance on Brooks. The wrestler responds in kind with push kicks and quick sneaky shots from in close until the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brooks (30-27 Brooks)
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Brooks (30-27 Brooks)
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Brooks (30-27 Brooks)

Official result: Judges Eric Colon and Dave Tirelli have the bout 30-27, while Michael Depasquale sees it 30-26, for the winner by unanimous decision, E.J. Brooks.

Lyman Good vs. LeVon Maynard

Round 1
Good and Maynard meet in the center of the cage. The former Bellator champion immediately lands a short right to the face of Maynard, knocking him to the ground against the cage. Maynard is dazed as Good pounces into half guard and lands five big punches on his opponent before referee Kevin Mullhall can dive in to stop the bout. The official time is a mere 13 seconds.

Ailton Barbosa vs. Kris McCray

Round 1
The fighters touch gloves and McCray comes with a harmless low kick. He ducks under a Barbosa left and clinches up with the American Top Team welterweight. He puts Barbosa up against the cage as both fighters seem to work simultaneous knees. McCray finally gets the better of the clinch battle and scores the takedown working from side guard. With 90 seconds gone in the round, Barbosa uses the cage to get full guard back on McCray as the TUF veteran works short elbows and rights from there. Barbosa quickly opens up his guard and looks for a couple of submission attempts but to no avail on McCray. The resulting scramble sees McCray fighting off another submission and winds up back in Barbosa's full guard with 75 seconds left in the round. McCray postures up to create some distance and lands with a couple of shots to Barbosa's body. With 30 seconds left in the round, Barbosa opens his guard up again looking for another submission but nothing comes from it. The round ends with McCray on top.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McCray
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 McCray
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 McCray

Round 2
Barbosa throws a sloppy kick to start and McCray makes him pay for it. He grabs the leg and throws Barbosa down and goes to work from Barbosa's open guard. Barbosa closes his guard back up but less than a minute into the round the ATT welterweight is back in the same place he ended the last round. McCray is scoring with some small shots but Barbosa is keeping him close and forces the standup from referee Kevin Mulhall. On the restart, Barbosa connects with a couple of strong punches, but McCray closes the distance again and takes Barbosa down with less than three minutes in the round. The action slows to a lull again and Mulhall again restarts the action on the feet where. McCray connects again, but as he comes in to close the distance on Barbosa again he eats some heavy leather from the Brazilian. It allows Barbosa the opportunity to take McCray's back in the ensuing scramble and go to work on a rear-naked choke with less than a minute left in the round. McCray works to turn into Barbosa which hinders his attempts at the submission. McCray successfully turns into Barbosa to end the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Barbosa
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Barbosa
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Barbosa

Round 3
K. Mills

McCray battled back from
adversity against Barbosa.
McCray lands with a kick to Barbosa's lead leg to open the round. As McCray looks to clinch again he comes in throwing shots, but the Brazilian is able to duck under this time and score with a takedown. Almost immediately, Barbosa works for an armbar on McCray but can't secure it. He lets go of the armbar and the subsequent scramble sees McCray in Barbosa's guard with three minutes remaining. With neither fighter working though Mulhall stands the action back up. On the restart, Barbosa connects with a nice one-two forcing McCray to go back to the clinch and work for a single-leg. McCray looks gassed as he eventually scores with that single and follows up with some tired lefts. Barbosa opens up his guard with 30 seconds left in the round as McCray continues moving from on top to avoid another restart. Barbosa locks on a triangle as the round ends but it's not secure.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 McCray (29-28 McCray)
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 McCray (29-28 McCray)
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 McCray (29-28 McCray)

Official result: Judge Sue Sanidad sees it 29-28 for Kris McCray, while Eric Colon reckons it 29-28 for Ailton Barbosa. Decisive judge John Bilyk has it 29-28 for the winner by split decision, Kris McCray.

Lester Caslow vs. Scott Heckman

Round 1
K. Mills

Heckman choked Caslow out.
The two face off for a few seconds and size each other up. Caslow throws a high kick which is caught by Heckman and he uses it to throw his opponent to the mat. As Caslow tries to get up Heckman gets a front headlock and lands knees on the body of his foe. Fighting for a guillotine Heckman loses control of his opponent for a moment but is back on top as Caslow tries to use the cage to wall-walk. Smothering wrestling by Heckman as he pulls his legs away from the cage and works for a dominant position. Heckman passes to half guard and grabs for an arm in guillotine but Caslow is fighting back. The two roll around for a moment as Caslow squirms out. Heckman swiftly moves to secure his back in the scramble and sinks in a rear-naked choke which forces Gasper Oliver to stop the bout at 3:40 of the first round.

Bellator Season 6 Bantamweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Marcos Galvao vs. Ed West

Round 1
West comes out kicking, landing side kicks, low kicks, then a head kick. Galvao has had enough, ducks under, elevates West and slams him. West locks up a nice guillotine on the way down, but Galvao tripods up, pounds to the body, and escapes. West snakes up the fence, but Galvao trips him and instantly dives on his back, sinking his hooks. West shakes him off but is eating leather almost immediately. West tries to respond with a jumping kick, but Galvao clocks him out of midair with a right overhand. The Brazilian is tenacious in the early going, diving on West and following up with ground and pound. West upkicks, but Galvao shucks his legs by. He gets side mount briefly, but West regains half guard. Galvao threatens with a guillotine set up, but the Arizonan escapes. West gets up the fence and they clinch, trading knees to the body. Left head kick by West is blocked. Galvao tries to return with a flying knee that whizzes wide. West continues to kick, but Galvao tries to wing hooks right through them, looking to counter. Right body kick from West smacks loud. Wild winging before the bell that sees Galvao crack West with left hooks, and West land a hard knee. Fun action to close the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Galvao

Round 2
West explores lateral movement with quick jabs and kicks again. Just as happened in the first, “Loro” tires of his opponent’s tactics, and ragdolls him to the mat while West grabs a guillotine. Galvao tries to pass guard, but West stands back up himself, and they clinch along the fence. Galvao tries an outside trip, but West partially blocks it. They jockey for position fruitlessly, and Galvao breaks the clinch with a knee. Spinning back fist by West whizzes high. Galvao now moving forward, looking to land punches, but eats a right roundhouse kick to the head. Unfazed, the Brazilian returns with a glancing flying knee, forcing West to clinch. West stomps Galvao’s feet before breaking. West looks to resume his kicking offense with 90 seconds to go in the round, but Galvao clunks him with an overhand right. West’s kicks are now being blocked, while Galvao’s punches are going wide. Galvao scores a low kick and West switches to southpaw for a second, but nothing comes of it before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Galvao
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Galvao

Round 3
K. Mills

Galvao was aggressive and
dominant on the ground.
Right head kick by West scores immediately, and he follows with a nice one-two combo that makes Galvao shoot for a single. West defends, looking for another guillotine standing. Galvao easily fights free and knees to the body before tripping West to the mat again. West turns inside looking for a kimura while the Nova Uniao product pounds him to the ribs. West attempts an armbar, but Galvao pulls out while hammerfisting him and then moves to side control. Smooth pass by Galvao into side control. West trying to roll his hips back and ensnares Galvao with his long, spindly legs. He regains guard, but when he tries to somersault free, Galvao nearly gets his back. West wriggles free, and they resume clinching along the cage. Galvao lands another strong knee on the break.

Two wild hooks for Galvao glance, then he knocks West down with an overhand right when West tries to kick. Hammerfists from Galvao come down again. West again pushes away from butterfly guard and tries a back somersault, but Galvao gets his waist and controls him again. West turns around and gets an underhook as both men clinch along the fence. West throws some short hammerfists to the thigh of his opponent and misses a right hand on the break. Galvao wings a right hand at the bell that just touches West.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Galvao (30-27 Galvao)
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Galvao (30-27 Galvao)
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Galvao (30-27 Galvao)

Official result: All three judges -- Eric Colon, Sue Sanidad and Dave Tirelli -- all see the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Marcos Galvao.

Bellator Season 6 Bantamweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Alexis Vila vs. Luis Alberto Nogueira

Round 1
Vila immediately throws a high kick which is blocked. Nogueira circles away and the two size each other up for a moment. The Cuban throws a looping left hook which misses. Another hook comes up short for Vila and Nogueira counters with a volley; Vila blocks them. Another high kick from Vila is blocked by his foe. Noguiera continues to circle and Vila pushes forward with another big hook that lands this time. Vila dives under for a single but is rebuffed by his opponent. Another attempt and the Brazillian lands two short punches to the head of Vila in retort. Nogueira now pushes forward and lands consecutive lefts and rights and then lunges forward with a flying knee which is blocked. Vila dives for another takedown but is stuffed. Vila comes forward with a lead jab followed by a right hand which misses. Nogueira seems content to counter as Vila dives forward for a punch but Nogueira slickly dives under his punch and secures back control. Vila stands up but Nogueira still has control of his body. The round ends with Nogueira hanging on to Vila's back.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nogueira
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Nogueira
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Nogueira

Round 2
The two fighters touch gloves and Nogueira continues to circle away like he did in the previous round. Vila maintains his stalking approach and throws a head kick which is blocked. Nogueira begins feinting and pushing forward towards Vila. A big left hook is blocked by Vila and he counters with a right of his own. Vila digs into a right straight but misses and loses his balance. Vila then dives for a takedown but is quickly rebuffed. While moving away Vila lands a big hook to the face of his foe. Driving again from a double leg, Nogueira manages to stand up but Vila drives him again against the fence and pulls his legs out from under him. The Brazilian continues to attempt to wall-walk and stands up. The two fighters break and return to the center of the cage. Vila lands a quick jab to the face. Another quick jab and Nogueira is now stalking Vila to the cage. A big right is countered by Nogueira and knocks Vila off balance. Vila comes back at him with a takedown but they break apart. Vila throws a right kick and drops for a single. The two are at a stalemate against the cage as the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Vila
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Vila
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Nogueira

Round 3
K. Mills

Nogueira asserted himself standing.
Vila is standing flatfooted as Nogueira uses his movement to confuse his foe. They exchange leg kicks. Nogueira kicks again but misses. A quick inside kick lands by the Brazilian. Vila ducks under punches but his counters come up short of the mark. A left straight staggers Vila for a moment but he is nonplussed by the exchange. Nogueira's punches wing wide, and the crowd begins to boo. A vicious kick is landed to the thigh of the Cuban. Vila seems too tired to mount offense of his own as Nogueira pushes the action with a leg kick. Vila throws a right hook and dives for a single. He picks up the leg and Nogueira is on the canvas for a moment but stands back up. A right counter lands for the Brazilian and Vila backs up. Nogueira goes for a single of his own and Vila attempts to break his hands apart.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Nogueira (29-28 Nogueira)
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Nogueira (29-28 Nogueira)
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Nogueira (30-27 Nogueira)

Official result: All three judges -- Eric Colon, Sue Sanidad and Dave Tirelli -- all see the bout 29-28 for the winner by unanimous decision, Luis Nogueira.

Bellator Season 6 Featherweight Tournament Semifinal
Daniel Straus vs. Mike Corey

Round 1
Straus almost instantly lands a left cross that flash knocks Corey down. He gets back to his feet and recovers and Straus circles away. Straus puts Corey onto the fence, and they take turns putting the other onto the cage, landing short punches and knees to the body. They separate and Corey takes the center, walking Straus down. Straus now comes forward and drops an inside low kick in. He throws a one-two-head kick, then explodes into a double-leg. Corey stuffs it along the cage and tries to hit a switch by reaching between Straus’ legs. Straus doesn’t allow it, and keeps reshooting, driving for the takedown. Corey headlocks and forces a clinch. They separate and neither man can land with punches from distance. Straus glances with a right cross and push kick. A spinning back fist attempt for Corey gets him cracked with a left hook and he clinches. They break before the bell, and Corey glances with a one-two.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Straus
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Straus
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Straus

Round 2
Straus with a push kick and dives for a single but is rebugged. Corey drives for a double of his own and drags Strauss to the mat. He is in side control and lands light punches on Straus and referee Gasper Oliver stands them up. Straus lands a straight right and Corey is bleeding from a cut over his eye. A two-punch combo lands from Straus and Corey throws an upkick to the face. Straus clinches his foe against the cage as the two battle for position. Straus attempts a hip toss but Corey keeps his balance. Straus throws a few tight punches to the face and the two break from the cage. Corey comes forward with a combo and Straus covers up for a moment. The Chicagoan presses Straus against the cage and lands repeated left hands. He maintains an underhook on the right side and pounds the body of Straus. Straus turns him around and the two exchange punches before breaking towards the center of the cage. The two again exchange combinations with Corey getting the better of the exchange. The round ends as Straus attains a waistlock.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Corey
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Corey
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Straus

Round 3
K. Mills

Straus landed the cleaner
harder shots standing.
Corey presses his foe against the cage and dives for a double-leg. His hands are clasped together but his attempt to throw fails. Straus moves for a rear waistlock but can’t muscle him to the mat. Corey appears to momentarily grab the fence to escape, and they reset in the middle of the cage. Short punches inside, and Corey lands a knee and pushes Straus away. Left cross for Straus lands, and when Corey tries to return fire, he smashes him in his already-bloodied nose with another. Corey shoots and gets to a rear waistlock, but Straus leans over and bases down to take away the suplex. Corey knees him in the back of the thighs. Straus extricates himself. Corey moving forward, but can’t locate his right hand. He glances with a left hook, but Straus grabs the collar tie and hits him with a knee. Corey bulls him into the fence.

Straus’ mouthguard comes out, and referee Gasper Oliver gives him a moment to get it cleaned. On the restart, the two flurry at one another wildly, and Straus dives for a leg. He can’t get the takedown, so he and Corey swing away until the final bell. Fun, competitive fight.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Straus (29-28 Straus)
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Straus (29-28 Straus)
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Straus (30-27 Straus)

Official result: Judges Eric Colon and Michael Depasquale have the bout 29-28, while Dave Tirelli sees it 30-27, for the winner by unanimous decision, Daniel Straus.

Bellator Bantamweight Championship
Zach Makovsky vs. Eduardo Dantas

Round 1 Dantas opens up with a straight kick to “Fun Size” and Makovsky counters with a left high kick. The challenger looks to close the distance on Makovsky and lands with a short knee though the champ is unfazed. Dantas throws out his left to paw at Makovsky but comes back with a kick to the body thats thud reverberates throughout the arena. Makovsky follows with a small flurry but little connects and Dantas comes back to put Makovsky on the mat for a moment with another kick to the body. Makovsky comes in with a takedown attempt getting Dantas on the single but Dantas counters with an armbar attempt. Makovsky flips out of it and ends up back in Dantas' guard. But Dantas' guard is an open one and Dantas goes back to work trying to isolate the champ's arm. Makovsky escapes though and postures up to deliver a shot to his own before he stands up allowing Dantas to get back to his feet as well. Ninety seconds left in the round and Dantas connects with a one-two leg kick combination and while Makovsky throws a right of his own. As the round ends, Dantas connects with another high kick but Makovsky counters clinching up with Dantas before breaking back away as the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Dantas
Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Dantas
Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Dantas

K. Mills

Dantas was sensational in
his title capture.
Round 2
Makovsky is rushing forward with punches but can’t land. He dives in on a single-leg, but Dantas hits a brilliant switch, momentarily taking his back. Makovsky bails to his back and gives up side control. “Dudu” is immediately into knee-on-belly and then into mount. Makovsky tries to go out the back door, but only gets back to half guard. Dantas postures up and pounds, letting Makovsky get full guard back. The Brazilian stands up again to pound, and as “Fun Size” tries to squirm away, Dantas dives onto his back. The champ rolls, but he gives up full mount. This is complete dominance by the Brazilian now, who is sitting on Makovsky’s chest with over two minutes to go in the round. Makovsky tries to push off the fence, but Dantas turns him away. Makovsky tries to roll, but he gets caught in a arm-triangle. Makovsky tries to hook his own leg, but Dantas’ grip is so strong that Makovsky goes out cold. Makovsky’s grip unconsciously breaks, as his body goes limp and referee Keith Peterson rescues him at 3:26 of the second round. Eduardo Dantas is the new Bellator bantamweight champion in remarkable style.

Plinio Cruz vs. Duane Bastress

Round 1
An errant Cruz front kick gives Bastress the opportunity to bullrush the Brazilian and take him down to the mat. The subsequent scramble for position sees Bastress end up on top fending off a single-leg attempt from Cruz and then taking Cruz down himself with a little less than three minutes remaining in the opening round. Working from Cruz's half guard, Bastress is intermittently throwing rights down as Cruz is on his side against the cage. A brief opening allows Cruz to get back to his feet but Bastress comes bulldozing in again clinching with Cruz. With a minute left to go Bastress parlays that clinch into another takedown working from Cruz's full guard coming down with short elbows. Cruz turns over giving Bastress the opportunity to take his back. Looking for some answer Cruz tries turning back into Bastress again but can't find the offense he needs as the round closes.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bastress Sam Genovese scores the round 10-9 Bastress Lutfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Bastress

K. Mills

Bastress pounded Cruz.
Round 2
The second round opens with another Bastress bullrush for a double-leg takedown which he eventually secures. Less than a minute into the round, Bastress is working from the half guard of the middleweight from Newark, N.J. Cruz looks to turn into Bastress but an errant knee on the ground forces referee Kevin Mulhall to stop the action and call for the doctor to check on Cruz. After a brief respite, the action restarts on the feet and Bastress almost immediately pins Cruz up against the cage again and forces him back down to the mat. Cruz flails around on the bottom looking for a way out but Bastress is having none of it. A flurry of elbows by Bastress overwhelms Cruz who turns to his side, offering no defense. Kevin Mulhall is forced to intervene at 2:52 of the second round.

Will Martinez Jr. vs. Terrell Hobbs

Round 1
The taller Martinez, from a rigid stance, cracks Hobbs with two quick outside low kicks. Martinez rushes in and Jobbs lands a short right-hand counter. The right hand on a one-two from Hobbs snaps Martinez’s head back. Another kick by Martinez and Hobbs just misses with a massive overhand right. Jab-low kick from Martinez lands as Hobbs again swipes, trying to land the right off of Martinez’s kicks. Martinez chasing the circling Hobbs and when he gets his back to his fence, he yanks him to the mat. Martinez passes over Hobbs’ legs for a moment and gets mount, pummeling his foe with short rights. Hobbs shrimps away but Martinez controls his head and keeps his pinned awkwardly to the cage. Martinez locks up a front headlock and jumps a guillotine, but Hobbs escapes and in the scramble, ends up taking Martinez’s back. Wild grappling transition. Hobbs sinks in a rear-naked choke briefly, but then tries to switch off to an armbar. Martinez slips out, and he dives straight on Hobbs’ back and Gable grips his way to a nasty rear-naked choke. Hobbs is forced to tap out, ending a tumbleweed-style grappling exchange. The bout comes to a close at 4:12 of the first frame.

Kenny Foster vs. Jay Haas

Round 1
K. Mills

Kenny Foster went neck hunting.

Foster catches a Haas high kick and puts him on the mat for it. He doesn't follow Haas to the ground however and the fight goes back to its feet. Haas comes in and connects with a short left-right flurry, but Foster circles away from any threat. Foster misses with a left-right-left combination and Haas counters with a left of his own. Haas with a low kick to Foster's lead leg and Foster counters with a left of his own. The punch freezes Haas and Foster rushes him. The ending is academic from there as Foster throws on a guillotine choke and brings Haas down to the mat with it. The tap comes shortly after and Foster is the winner at 2:51 of the first round.

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