Sherdog’s Top 10: Greatest Strikeforce Fights

Lev PisarskyJun 12, 2023

6. Robbie Lawler vs. Melvin Manhoef | Jan. 30, 2010

This was a dream come true for MMA fans, with two middleweight knockout artists squaring off. Manhoef finished seventh on Sherdog's list of the biggest punchers ever, boasting a 91% knockout rate that was easily the highest of anyone there. Lawler was one of the most vicious, feared strikers in the sport, having rebuilt himself since being released by the UFC after a loss to Evan Tanner in 2004, when he was only 22 years old. He had been submitted by Jake Shields in his last outing, snapping a five-fight winning streak, but Manhoef presented no such grappling danger, only a knockout one. Both men began the bout with low stances, coiled to strike, but with plenty of respect for the opponent. Manhoef struck first, delivering a crushing kick to the midsection followed by a big right cross to the same location. Manhoef followed that up with a lightning leg kick and then unloaded with vicious punches against the cage. Lawler covered up but was clearly rattled, with Manhoef stalking him and delivering yet another hellacious kick to the body, drawing an appreciative “Oh!” from the crowd. Manhoef continued the relentless abuse, landing leg kick after leg kick, each one causing Lawler's leg to fly back from the impact and opening up his vicious hooks as Lawler continued to simply cover up. Lawler limped around the cage, a wounded animal. As Manhoef slammed in yet another devastating leg kick, he prepared to go to work with punches, as Lawler was against the cage. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Lawler threw a monstrous overhand right that caused Manhoef to go completely limp on his feet! This was not only the first punch of the fight Lawler had thrown, but his first connect. Lawler then added a murderous left uppercut for good measure, causing Manhoef to stiffen while flat on his back, looking upwards with open, dead eyes. A ghastly sight! The whole affair had taken just over three and a half minutes. The commentators and audience alike understandably lost their minds at what had just transpired. An utterly amazing comeback and sudden, spectacular ending.

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