Down the Pub — News and Notes from the UK

Pedro WrobelApr 27, 2005

In the immortal words of God, "Let there be light."

The MMA world was looking for a bright opening to the over-exposed month of April and we all saw it happen on The Ultimate Fighter and then again at UFC 52. Having only seen these two on TV, I think I'd best leave it to those more qualified for the commentary.

Some guy was talking about it down the pub but I wasn't really listening because I had a Guinness in one hand, a tart on the other and Billy Bragg singing somewhere inside my head. It was a beautiful scene and I felt all at peace, or at least I would have done if some dyed-blonde American hadn't wandered into the pub and ruined everybody's good mood.

"Graaar!" said the American, and I couldn't help but notice that he had an enormous head. "Raaar!"

I was on the verge of asking the Yankee ravager what it was that he wanted when a tumult broke out. Some guy put down his kettlebells, leapt to his feet and punched the blonde American right in the nose.

"...!" said the American as he slumped to the floor unconscious.

The next thing that happened was kind of weird, and I confess that I was a bit on the merry side at the time. According to my memory, Lionel Hutz suddenly appeared and spoke to me in the voice of Dana White. He told me that none of what I had seen really happened. In reality, the American had come into the pub 50 years ago and blown up a German sub in WW2. Apparently everyone on the Internet agreed with this, so it must be true.

As it happens, I eventually got home at about 3 a.m. and must have done some work, because when I woke up the next morning I'd scrawled a number of things down on my stomach. This is what I wrote.


April is as busy a month for MMA in the UK as it is for the rest of the world. The U.S. may have the UFC and Japan may have PRIDE but this month we've got Cage Rage and Cagewarriors: Ultimate Force.

Two shows on the same day is a bit of a pity since, short of inventing a new cloning procedure, it's going to be impossible for anybody to watch them both. The biggest pity is that both of them have great cards. Oh Fates, how thine cruelty dost spit on our faces and make love to our mothers.

Oh well, let's have a little look-see at what we've got.

"Lightning" Lee

Before we get into the details CageWarriors, let's deal with the news that everybody's been waiting to confirm. Yes, Lee Murray was out of UFC 52, once again due to his visa issues. Yes, there was an attempt to have Murray appear on the Cage Rage 11 card, with planned matches against Yuki Sasaki and then Ryuki Ueyama. Both of these have since fallen through and, at the time of press, Murray has no opponent and therefore will not be fighting at CR 11.

The infamous "visa issues" are rather sensitive and difficult to clearly explain. Murray has had certain legal issues in the UK but these have been resolved. The official reason given for the withholding of his visa was that the forms filed with U.S. immigration were "not in the correct order.” It would be sheer speculation to try to interpret that further, so let's just go ahead and presume that it's all a massive conspiracy. Possibly by the Venutians.

As to what this all means for Lee's future in the UFC, that too is still unclear. What is clear is that he's a good, entertaining fighter and the UFC would love to have him back. Issues like this are hampering the development of his career because if he can't fight then he gets rusty and people forget about him. That said, you can't blame the guy for wanting to fight in the UFC, and complications happen. Murray's team did everything by the book, and a number of specialist lawyers were employed to ensure that the paperwork was correct. hopes to speak to Murray at greater length in the near future, at which point more of this can be clarified.

Hands of Stone

Cor blimey guv'nor, what's that bald man doin' to that sheep?

Scott Adams may just be one of the most perceptive promoters in the USA. Having realized that there is an MMA scene on this sceptered isle, Mr. Adams sent out feelers to work out whether there is anyone here worthy of appearing on his WEC show. Somehow, the WEC agents came up with a bald guy from Wales, who, if rumor is to be believed, is partial to pink drinks in pubs.

The date will be May 19, the opponent will be Rich "Cleat" Crunkilton and the "British" fighter in question will be "Peter Jenkins."


Actually, the man in question is Paul "Hands of Stone" Jenkins, who was probably "training" when asked to spell out his particularly uncommon first name. "Shmeee," he might have answered in a comedy Welsh accent. "I'm not pished."

In all seriousness, Jenkins is an extremely popular fighter here in the UK and I can't think of anyone who dislikes the man. Outside the cage, he's approachable, amusing and extremely down to earth. In the cage, he is a tough, well-rounded, experienced competitor who fights from a sheer love of the game. "Records are for DJs," he was famously quoted as saying. "Fighters just fight."

But Jenkins does more than fight. He entertains with a mixture of instinctive showmanship and sheer good-natured enjoyment. He likes what he does and he's so contagious that even the most hostile crowd sides with him. Some fighters are angry all the time. They walk around looking upset and troop to the ring with Heavy Metal music blaring. That's not Jenkins. This guy shows up in comedy ostrich suits or Afro wigs, jeering the crowd and then proceeds to cavort with the ring girls, all with this big grin on his face. Win or lose, there's no excuses, just a grin and a return trip two weeks later.

You have got to admire that.

Mr. Adams: You and your fans are getting a gem we're all very proud of. Win or lose, I know he'll do us justice.

Incidentally, I let Paul know that I was going to talk about him, and asked whether he had any comments. This is what he sent me. 'Nuff said!

"Afternoon Pedro!

Just a quick reply to our friends overseas because I've got something more important to do (i.e. take a sh*t) rather than pander to their lust for gossip or bullshit. Crunkilton is about to become Crumpled-up.

End of.

The Hands"