

Dream 17 Results and Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan, at approximately 3:00 a.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of Dream 17, which features the quarterfinals of Dream's world bantamweight grand prix. Check out the MMA Forums to discuss the card. Click here for quick results.

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Ikuhisa Minowa vs. Baru Harn

Round 1
Harn chases Minowa around the ring for several laps before it hits the floor. Minowa moves to side control while the Mongolian writhes ineffectively underneath. Minowa moves to mount. Minowa rolls for an armbar, but is positioned awkwardly, turning it into a failed omaplata of sorts. Minowa reverts back to side control, then north-south. He eats some knees to the top of the head from Harn. Minowa goes to the judo press in the final minute and easily finishes the fight with a leg armlock from the scarf hold position at 4:39 of the first round.

Dream Bantamweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal
Rodolfo Marques vs. Yusup Saadulaev

Round 1
They touch gloves and start throwing punches. Marques stumbles Saadulaev with a shot to the body and follows him to the canvas. In the scramble, Saadulaev captures top position but gets caught up in Marques' legs in north-south position. They get to their feet and after another exchange, hit the canvas again. Marques foes for a leg while Saadulaev drops punches from above. Marques gets to his feet and transitions to Saadulaev's back in the waist-lock, eventually dragging him down and taking top in half-guard. The Nova Uniao product punches to the body while working to pass. Saadulaev keeps him at bay with his legs, pushing him away, but Marques dives back into his guard to drop punches. Alas, they're tied up in the ropes, and Marques only connects with a few punches before the bell.

Round 2
Marques hits a swatting hook counter and hard low kick. Saadulaev changes levels and puts him on his back in response, dropping punches from half guard. Marques reverses, taking top in side control. Marques locks up the arm triangle, but Saadulaev toughs it out, bucking to roll Marques over him. Marques doesn't lose position so much as improves to the mount, where he puts on a face lock. Saadulaev spins into it to escape and then flips Marques over to reverse his way into his guard. Referee Moritaka Oshiro breaks them up and they swing punches that graze before Saadulaev again brings the fight down. Marques goes for the toe hold, eating heel strikes from Saadulaev's free foot. He escapes in the final ten seconds and secures side control just before the bell.

Round 3
Marques eats a knee to the belly while swinging a big right hook, bowling Saadulaev over to take dominant position in half guard. He passes to mount and drops a few hard punches. Saadulaev hugs Marques' upper body to close the distance and defend against the shots. He then curls his feet behind Marques, not to pry him off, but rather to roll underneath him and escape out the back door from mount. It succeeds and he immediately targets a foot with the Achilles lock. It doesn't get very far however, prompting referee Oshiro to break them. Back on the feet, Marques tags Saadulaev with punches, which sees him shoot takedowns in defense. Marques stuffs the first, but not the second. Marques attempts an omaplata to roll him over and take top position, but the bell rings before it can happen.

Official result: All three judges -- Hikaru Adachi, Gen Isono and Akira Shoji -- see the bout for the winner by unanimous decision, Rodolfo Marques.

Dream Bantamweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal
Masakazu Imanari vs. Abel Cullum

Round 1
Imanari flies at Cullum and in the scramble, he falls right down into an omoplata. Cullum escapes and reverses his way into Imanari's guard, dropping big punches before the Japanese fighter grabs his wrists to work wrist control. Imanari locks up an arm, then transitions to the triangle. Cullum picks him up and drops him with a slam, breaking out of the submission. Imanari goes back to working wrist control and rubber guard to stop Cullum's punches. Imanari fakes the gogoplata set up, instead going for the omoplata. Cullum struggles to not give up position and his efforts pay off as he works his way back into Imanari's guard. The round ends with the American on top, dropping punches.

Round 2
Imanari hits a side kick, and then absorbs a punch to the body to armdrag Cullum to the canvas. Cullum does what comes naturally, dropping punches from inside his opponent's guard. Imanari continues to tie Cullum up, either with wrist control or rubber guard. He locks on the gogoplata, but Cullum breaks free and continues to drop short punches from top. Referee Samio Kimura breaks the up shortly after, but Imanari of course, drops to the floor when Cullum closes the distance. He puts the American in his guard and eats a few more punches before the bell rings.

Round 3
Imanari dances around as Cullum breathlessly wings punches, grazing at best. Imanari throws a kick and Cullum catches it. Imanari doesn't fight this however, dropping to the canvas while catching an arm. Imanari rolls with it and pulls out the armbar finish at 46 seconds of the third round.

Dream Bantamweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal
Bibiano Fernandes vs. Takafumi Otsuka

Round 1
Otsuka stuffs punches into Fernandes' face as the former Dream featherweight champ wings big shots at him. Fernandes ducks under and shoots in, putting Otsuka on the mat. The Brazilian then captures the young Japanese upstart's back in the scramble and slaps on the choke. Kenichi Serizawa picks Otsuka's right hand up to test if he's still conscious, but it falls limply to the canvas twice. Fernandes has put Otsuka right to sleep at a mere 41 seconds into the bout.

Dream Bantamweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal
Hideo Tokoro vs. Antonio Banuelos

Round 1
Banuelos take the center, throwing single low kicks and punches as Tokoro circles, countering with jabs. Banuelos tries to maneuver Tokoro into the corners, but the Japanese fighter slips and circles out. Three minutes expires this way, with neither man really engaging beyond the occasional explosion of single punches or kicks. At the final minute, referee Yuji Shimada warns both men to step up the action. Banuelos wings two punches in close, connecting with right hands and a body kick. They begin firing it out at each other. Tokoro lands a right and a head kick before he dives for a takedown. Banuelos stuffs him and the bell rings moments later.

Round 2
Banuelos still the one hunting and pecking with punches on Tokoro. Tokoro very conservative, offering single punch counters in return, but never quite committing to fire back. Tokoro hits a hard kick to the body, but doesn't follow it up. Shimada claps his hands and calls for more action. Banuelos stumbles Tokoro with an overhand right, but the Japanese fighter bounds back to his feet. He lands some knees in the clinch and Banuelos wings punches to punch his way out. Tokoro lands a short hook and a kick to the body. They trade body and push kicks. Baneulos goes over the top with a big right hook and stumbles Tokoro again. Tokoro fires back with a jab and high kick that graze the back of Banuelos' head. He charges in with a knee, but Banuelos isn't as rocked as he thinks, and thus, gives up his back right at the bell.

Round 3
Tokoro tries to mask a takedown attempt with punches, but gets stuffed anyway. Banuelos settles into Tokoro's guard as the Japanese fighter throws on the rubber guard. Banuelos punches his way out of this easily. They get back to their feet and Tokoro is the one chasing Banuelos now. He fires off jabs and high kicks while Banuelos windmills. While Tokoro is connecting, Banuelos' winging punches are also connecting. Banuelos slams Tokoro to the canvas but they find themselves soon scrambling, Tokoro looking for a leg, and Banuelos punching his way out. Banuelos escapes and transitions to Tokoro's back, landing knees to the body and his posterior. Tokoro reaches down to break the waist-lock, but the American stays glued on until the bell.

Official result: Judge Akira Shoji has the fight in favor of Hideo Tokoro, while judges Hikaru Adachi and Matt Hume see it for the winner by split decision, Antonio Banuelos.

Kazuhiro Nakamura vs. Gerald Harris

Round 1
Both men paw at each other with their lead hands. Nakamura maneuvers Harris against the ropes and throws a knee before crashing into him in the clinch. Harris circles out and puts Nakamura against the ropes instead. Harris throws some knees and flurries with punches, but only grazes as Nakamura covers up and circles out. Nakamura charges in with two hooks, putting Harris against the ring corner. Harris spins out and breaks away, blocking a high kick. Harris flies into Nakamura with a knee, putting him back into the corner. Harris drops for a single, but can't power through it. Kenichi Serizawa breaks them up and they go back to pawing at each other with jabs. They clinch up and Nakamura looks for a trip takedown. They wing a few punches at each other, but again, no big shot lands for either man before the bell.

Round 2
Both men get back to clinch fighting, fighting to put the other up against the ropes. Harris lands some knees before Nakamura breaks free. Harris puts Nakamura back agains the corner and Nakamura reverses him with the harai-goshi. Harris isn't on the floor long though, as he pops back to his feet and trades knees with Nakamura in the clinch. The American drops for the takedown, but Nakamura gets a little help from the ropes to keep him on his knees. He works back to his feet, but Harris isn't giving him an inch, staying in close and pressing him up against the ropes, doggedly looking for that takedown. Serizawa breaks them up. Harris swings with some wide hooks and lands a big knee in the clinch before going again for the double-leg up against the ropes, breaking Nakamura down to his knees. He finally gets the takedown and takes top in half guard, right before the bell rings.

Round 3
More clinch-fighting and takedown hunting starts off the final frame. Nakamura looking to break Harris' grip to possibly work a kimura while being pressed up against the ropes, but as neither man can get traction here, Serizawa breaks them up. Nakamura throws high and low kicks, but Harris blocks. Nakamura throws a big overhand right and follows up with the clinch. Harris drops instantly for the takdeown and puts Nakamura down on his rear. Nakamura pops back to his feet, but Harris stays glued to him in the clinch, still looking for the takedown. Serizawa calls another break. Harris throws three hooks, which Nakamura blocks. He shoots again, and again puts the judoka on his posterior. Serizawa calls the break again. Harris cracks Nakamura with a big left hand and shoots another takedown. Nakamura tries again to wrench out the kimura in the last thirty seconds, but gets nothing. Harris picks Nakamura up by the middle, and the Japanese fighter grabs the ropes to prevent the slam. Serizawa can't see the foul, blatant as it is, and thus doesn't call Nakamura on it. Be that as it may, Harris pulls him free and gets the slam, right at the bell. The crowd appropriately boos their hometown fighter for the dirty tactic.

Official result: It's a split decision, with judge Hikaru Adachi giving the fight to Nakamura, while judges Matt Hume and Gen Isono have it for the victor, Gerald Harris.

Satoru Kitaoka vs. Willamy Freire

Round 1
Both men trade body kicks, but Kitaoka follows it up with a single leg takedown attempt. Freire exhibits good balance, but he's eventually put on his back. Freire is successful in blocking Kitaoka from passing from half to side control however, sucking him back into the full guard. Kitaoka dives with punch. Freire bounds to his feet and pushes the Japanese grappler up against the ring corner. Kenichi Serizawa calls the break and warns Freire not to grab the ropes. Kitaoka throws a slow kick to the body and shoots for a leg. Freire again limp legs his way back against the ropes. Serizawa calls the break again. Kitaoka grazes with a winging right hook, blocks a Freire high kick. Both men trade kicks again, allowing Kitaoka to hit the takedown right after. The bell rings with Kitaoka sitting in the Brazilian's guard.

Round 2
Kitaoka really hamming it up with his open-mouthed zombie routine. Freire doesn't look wholly impressed or freaked out however. He stuffs a Kitaoka takedown and hangs on in the clinch until a break is called. Freire racks up some low kicks, while Kitaoka lobs more kicks to the midsection. Kitaoka shoots for the legs, but Freire again stuffs him. Serizawa calls another break. They trade more kicks, and Freire follows one with a lunging knee and hook that miss. Kitaoka connects with a short right hook, which Freire eats and taunts Kitaoka to strike more with him. Kitaoka dives for a leg, but Freire isn't even there, leaving the Japanese fighter face-planted in the corner. He gets back to his feet and both men spend the final seconds lobbing single punches and kicks at each other.

Round 3
Kitaoka shoots right after the bell sounds, but Freire again defends well, staying off the ground. Freire stays in the clinch with Kitaoka however and eventually wrestles him to the canvas. Kitaoka allows this if only to put on the guillotine, which the Brazilian soon pops out of. Freire throws a low kick that connects to Kitaoka's groin. Serizawa gives him a moment to recover. Upon resuming, Kitaoka lands a stiff left hand and drops for the single leg, putting Freire up against the corner. Serizawa breaks them up again and issues a yellow card to Freire for being too conservative. Freire thus starts walking Kitaoka down with punches and kicks to the body. Kitaoka wings punches, but misses most of them. One of his punches puts him off balance and he falls to the mat where he tries to grab one of Freire's legs. The Brazilian bounds out of the leg lock attempt and stands the fight back up to walk Kitaoka down with more kicks to the body and punches. Kitaoka returns with his own wild single punches as the final seconds expire.

Official result: Willamy Freire gets the nod from judge Matt Hume, but judges Gen Isono and Akira Shoji award the split decision to Satoru Kitaoka.

Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Yan Cabral

Round 1
They touch gloves and Cabral immediately closes the distance, putting punches in Sakuraba's face. Sakuraba throws some low kicks to push Cabral back a bit. Sakuraba then indulges Cabral in a punching exchange, getting sparked with a Cabral hook. They hit the floor and Sakuraba seemingly recovers under fire, but gives up mount. He scrambles out and to his feet however, and again engages in a punching exchange until the Brazilian puts him up against the corner in the clinch. Cabral takes Sakuraba down with the inside trip and passes to side control and back mount where he drops punches on the turtled Japanese legend. Sakuraba flops to his back and pulls Cabral into his half guard. Cabral drops short punches to the side of Sakuraba's head and then passes to side after a failed Sakuraba scramble. Cabral tees off with some solid shots to Sakuraba's face at this point. Sakuraba pulls Cabral into his full guard in the final thirty, but still eats a few punches in the process.

Round 2
Sakuraba dives for a leg, but Cabral avoids his clawing hands, almost soccer kicking him in the face in retaliation. Cabral pumps his jab at Sakuraba who moves is head from side to side in an attempt to slip the punches. Cabral lands instead with hard low kicks, mostly using the jab as a distraction for them. The Brazilian clinches up with Sakuraba for a moment before pulling him down to the floor. He drops punches from side control as Sakuraba fights to get him back into half-guard. Cabral notices this and thus locks up the arm triangle just ask Sakuraba is about to pull him into guard. Cabral hops over Sakuraba's legs and cinches up the choke. The Japanese legend tries to pry his opponent off, but is forced to tap with a heavy hand, just before he passes out. The end comes officially at 2:42 of the second round.

Caol Uno vs. "Lion" Takeshi Inoue

Round 1
Uno drops low and snaps jabs at Inoue. “Lion” lobs a low kick and circles on the outside, dancing around, baiting Uno to engage him with more than single punches. Uno shoots for the legs, but is stuffed. Uno attempts punching his way into the clinch, but Inoue chucks him off, feinting and throwing low kicks. Uno again lunges for the clinch and he eats a big punch from Inoue, dropping to his posterior. He recovers quickly and circles out and away. Inoue connecting with a stiff right hands now, but Uno seems to have shaken out the cobwebs. Inoue does a little hop-step feint before throwing a big head kick, right straight. Both smash Uno square in the face, sending him straight backward. His head bounces off the canvas and he sits up looking dazed as referee Yuji Shimada dives between them to stop the bout at the 4:18 mark.

Tatsuya Kawajiri vs. Joachim Hansen

Round 1
Hansen lobs the first low kcik then shells up as Kawajiri fires back with punches. He trips “Crusher” up with low kicks, but cannot finish him off with the followup flying knee, instead giving Kawajiri the takedown. Kawajiri tries to pass, but Hansen pulls him into the full guard, punching from bottom. Kawajiri pulls back to bring the fight back to standing. They trade punches, and Hansen throws a knee to Kawajiri's body in the clinch. Kawajiri gets the takedown and again works to pass as “Hellboy” punches from bottom. Kawajiri advances to half guard and fishes for the kimura. Hansen reverses this, taking Kawajiri's back in the rear wasit-lock, where he lobs knees to the back of the Japanese fighter's legs. Kawajiri hangs out of the ropes while attempting to break Hansen's grip. He finally does it and spins around into the kimura attempt at the final 30 seconds. Hansen fights the sub hard and finally gets his arm free. He reverses and takes mount on Kawajiri. Kawajiri gives up his back then, but the bell rings before Hansen can attempt a choke.

Round 2
Hansen lands a big left hand and kick to the body. Kawajiri fires back with punches of his own and takes the Norwegian down. Both men trade short punches as Kawajiri tries again to pass, but Hansen's grappling defense is proving difficult to overcome. Kawajiri finally gets to side control, but can only maintain it for a scant few seconds before Hansen pulls him back into the half guard. Hansen lands an awkward short up kick on Kawajiri while looking to set up an armbar, but doesn't get anything but punches in return from “Crusher.” Kawajiri passes again to side control in the last thirty seconds. Hansen recovers to half guard and hangs on as Kawajiri tries to punch him out in the final ten seconds.

Round 3
Both men trade big punches and kicks to the body, but Kawajiri follows up his barrage with a clinch against the ropes. They separate and Kawajiri tries to hunt Hansen down with more punches. They meet against the ropes again and Kawajiri wrangles Hansen down to the canvas. Kawajiri locks up the arm triangle choke and Hansen goes to his telephone defense. He hangs on for a few moments, but Kawajiri's got the choke sunk too deep, forcing “Hellboy” to eventually tap out. The finish comes at 2:30 of the third period.

Shinya Aoki vs. "Razor" Rob McCullough

Round 1
Aoki feints his way into trapping McCullough in the corner where he shoots for the takedown. He gets it and settles into his half guard. Aoki lobs a lone knee to McCullough's face and drops a few punches while looking to pass. Aoki finally moves to mount, but McCullough slips out from underneath him and stands the fight up. He doesn't stay up long as Aoki takes “Razor” right back down. Aoki posts up on McCullough's chin to drop punches to his body. Aoki then starts dropping palm shots to McCullough's nose. Aoki passes to side control. McCullough gives up his back after eating some knees to the top of his head, whereupon Aoki latches on a neck crank with only one hook in and finishes the fight after 4:52.

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