

WEC 49 Results & Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com will report from the Rexall Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, at 6:30 p.m. ET with play-by-play and live results of WEC 49, which is headlined by Jamie Varner vs. Kamal Shalorus.

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Renan Barao vs. Anthony Leone
Round 1
Barao and Leone trade pawing shots before Barao is stuffed on a takedown. Not a lot of action midway through the round until Barao lands a kick south of the border on Leone. After just a few seconds, Leone motions to referee Josh Rosenthal he is ready to resume the fight. Leone rushes in with a good punching combination that backs Barao against the cage. He answers with knees and then hits a takedown. From top position he lands some decent elbows before Leone escapes to his feet. The fighters clinch and the round closes. Sherdog scores round 10-9 for Barao.

Round 2
Leone finds the range with his hands early in the second. He hammers Barao with a nice right. The Brazilian counters with knees. Leone now looks to shoot but Barao defends the shot and clinches. The fighters separate and Leone fires off another combo. Barao answers with a leg kick. Leone is pushing the pace and walking down Barao. Barao lands a hard kick to the body and Leone responds with another flurry of punches. Sherdog scores the round 10-9 for Leone.

Round 3
Leone scores with a double leg but quickly finds himself on the defensive when Barao locks up a loose heel hook. Leone escapes but winds up on the bottom. Barao tries to pass while Leone works on a kimura. Barao steps all the way around Leone and latches onto an armbar. He sits back and Leone knows he is caught. He taps out at 2:29 giving Barao the win in his WEC debut.

Rafael Rebello vs. Chris Cariaso
Round 1
Cariaso comes out throwing kick after kick. He goes high twice and misses both. He lands to the body and the legs but Rebello answers with leg kicks of his own. Rebello tries to take the bout to the mat and is stopped. He shoots again and elevates Cariaso and slams him to the canvas. Rebello lands some punches after standing in Cariaso's guard but loses the position when his opponent scrambles to his feet. Rebello sinks him again by pulling his legs out but he can't keep him down. Cariaso knees his way off the cage and pistons a couple lefts down the pipe before throwing a high kick that is caught. Rebello tries to put him back down and Cariaso maintains his balance. Rebello hits a takedown at the bell and locks up the round on the Sherdog card 10-9.

Round 2
Rebello lifts Cariaso into the air once again and plants him hard to the floor. The Amercan Top Team product tries to pass but gets tangled up in an omoplata and has to roll to his back to escape. Cariaso, now on top, works the ground and pound while Rebello looks for a kimura. Rebello uses the hold to get back to his feet and immediately shoots for the takedown. He has to work hard for it along the cage but eventually gets it. Cariaso sweeps him quickly and settles into his guard. Sherdog scores the close round 10-9 Cariaso by the thinnest of margins.

Round 3
Cariaso lands four unanswered kick, three to the legs and one to the body before Rebello does anything. The next leg kick prompts a nice left hand counter. Rebello misses a big left and Cariaso counters with a three piece that sends him reeling. Rebello throws another looping haymaker that Cariaso easily dodges and he makes Rebello pay with another big salvo of punches. A hard left to the crown of his head and a big uppercut doing the damage. Cariaso pursues a retreating Rebello and batters him along the cage. Cariaso lands a hard left kick to the neck of Rebello that forces him to pull guard. Rebello is totally defensive as Cariaso unloads. He backs out of the guard and stalks Rebello up to the bell. Sherdog scores the round 10-8 for Cariaso.

Official scores: 30-26 and 29-28 (twice) for Cariaso, the winner of a unanimous decision.

Raphael Assuncao vs. Diego Nunes
Round 1
Nunes blasts Assuncao with a nice right hand off a leg kick to get the scoring started. The featherweights trade blistering leg kicks and Assuncao finds the mark with his hands, bloodying Nunes nose. Assuncao has staked out the center of the cage and is walking down Nunes. Nunes is still the more active fighter, despite moving backwards. Nunes lands a spinning back kick to the body and follows it with a hard left hook. Assuncao lands a hard right hand and another. Nunes tries another spinning back kick but assuncao is too close. He counters with a right hand at the bell. Sherdog score the close round 10-9 for Assuncao.

Round 2
Assuncao has taken the center of the cage again and is looking to strike while Nunes circles away. Assuncao kicks to the body and Nunes tries to counter with yet another spinning-back kick that misses. Assuncao lands a nice combo but Nunes comes back with a left hand over the top that lands square on the nose. Nunes lands a left kick to the bosy and a right hook and Assuncao shoots but is stiffed. Nunes lands again with his right but Assuncao counters with a one-two. Assuncao grabs a single and pulls Nunes to the ground. He is right back up into a short clinch which is broken when Assuncao lands a right elbow. Another close round is in the books and Sherdog score the second 10-9 for Assuncao.

Round 3
Nunes lands a left hook and follows with a kick to the body. Assuncao moves forward but is dropped to a knee by a left hand. Nunes rushes forward but Assuncao latches on and regains his footing. Nunes misses again with another back kick. Assuncao fires off a four punch combo as Nunes tries to close the distance. Nunes tries again and finds the same resistance. Nunes clinches and knees Assuncao along the cage. Assuncao lands another combination and scores a takedown at the final bell. Sherdog score the third 10-9 for Nunes.

Official scores: 30-27, 28-29 and 29-28 for Nunes, the winner of a split decision.

Erik Koch vs. Bendy Casimir
Round 1
Casimir shoots in but Koch defends well and clinches up. Koch gets a takedown of his own and passes to side. He tries to go to mount but Casimir catches him and replaces half guard. Koch hooks up a triangle and blasts Casimir with elbow before really sinking the choke. Casimir rolls and wriggles but can't get away and has to tap at 3:01 of the first round.

Wagnney Fabiano vs. Frank Gomez
Round 1
Wagney shoots in and eats a jumping knee from Gomez. He is not hurt and finishes the takedown. Gomez fights his way up the cage and back to his feet bit is taken back down in the middle of the cage. He lands in side-control and tries to move to mount. Gomez defends and scrambles to his feet. Fabiano jumps into a guillotine and its deep. Gomez frantically tries to break the hold but Fabiano holds on. Gomez finally wriggles off the hook and extricates his head from Fabiano's grasp. Fabiano clinches back up and the round ends. Sherdog.com scores round one for Fabiano 10-9.

Round 2
Gomez lands a hard leg kick to start the second and Fabiano shoots in in response. He struggles but wrangles Gomez to the ground. He isn't there long. Gomez wall walks back to his feet but is sunk in the middle of the cage. Gomez, undeterred slaps on a gogo plata but Fabiano has defends the choke. Fabiano moves to side again and hears the boo birds when the pace slows. Fabiano knees to the body and punches to the head with about one minute left. Fabiano quells the boos for a moment when he gets to knee on belly and opens up with strikes. Gomez shakes him just as the horn sounds. Its another 10-9 round for Fabiano on the Sherdog card.

Round 3
It is one minute in and nary a strike has been thrown. The fighters circle with Gomez in pursuit. Fabiano lands a hard left hand that stops Gomez in his tracks. He then shoots and hits the takedown along the cage. Fabiano moves to side but can't do anything with the position. The crowd is not pleased and let's them know. Boos cascade towards the cage and erupt even louder when the final horn sounds. Fabiano gets the third round as well 10-9 in a stinker.

Fabiano wins with scores of 30-27 across the board.

Karen Darabedyan vs. Will Kerr
Round 1
Darabedyan and Kerr clinch up after a brief exchange. Darabedyan gets the takedown but is in trouble when Kerr uses the cage to spin around for an armbar. Darabedyan is caught and taps out at 1:20 of the first round.

Eddie Wineland vs. Will Campuzano
Round 1
Wineland kicks the leg and Campuzano kicks back and misses a few right-hand haymakers. Wineland jabs and circles away from the right of his opponent. The fighters trade low kicks and Wineland continues to throw his jab out, but he’s yet to find the range to make it connect. Both fighters are having trouble hitting anything but air early on. Campuzano connects with a right hand and a jab of his own. Wineland opens up and scores with a right hand and a kick to the left thigh. Campuzano delivers a snapping low kick to the lead leg of his opponent. A right-hand lead drops Campuzano. Wineland reacts in an effort to swarm, but Campuzano quickly stands. Campuzano gets in some leather at the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Wineland
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-9 Wineland
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Wineland

Round 2
Wineland scores with a short, right-hand counter. Campuzano is the more active fighter, but he’s having a hard time landing flush. Wineland is starting to find a rhythm with his jab and straight right. Wineland catches a body kick at the two-minute mark, but was unable to trip his foe to the floor or unload any offense. A jab and a left hook glance the face of Campuzano. Wineland lights Campuzano up with a sharp punching combination that staggers the dazed fighter. Wineland unloads on the now fallen Campuzano, but he can’t finish him. Campuzano returns to his feet and glances a jumping knee off the body. Wineland lands another right hand and Campuzano is hurt. Campuzano covers up against the cage and Wineland lets his hands loose. A hard right hand to the body drops Campuzano, and Wineland follows with a hard right hand that ends the fight. Referee Jerin Valel steps in to save Campuzano at 4:44 of round two. Amazing end scene on this one, folks.

Chris Horodecki vs. Danny Downes
Round 1
Horodecki kicks the legs of Downes and clinches against the fence before securing a trip. Horodecki works briefly from half guard before locking on a guillotine. Horodecki rolls and closes his guard. Downes defends the tight hold and escapes to his feet, where Horodecki goes right back to the clinch and is warned by referee John Braak for holding the fence. Horodecki knees the thighs and is warned again for holding the fence while kneeing. Horodecki trips Downes to the floor and punches the head from half guard. Horodecki transitions to the back and looks for a rear-naked choke. Downes escapes the choke and a neck crank before getting to his feet. Downes misses a knee to the head and Horodecki immediately clinches.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Horodecki
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-9 Horodecki
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Horodecki

Round 2
Horodecki goes to Downes’ body with kicks and punches early in round two. Horodecki mixes in his hands well and connects with a left and a right that snap Downes’ head back.From the clinch, Downes’ connects to Horodecki’s midsection with knees until he’s tripped to the floor. Horodecki punches from the guard and Downes stands. An excellent right hook connects with Downes’ body. Horodecki is warned for holding the fence twice in a 15-second span. Horodecki lands his best combo of the night in the form of a left and right hook to the body before smacking the mouth with another right hand. Horodecki is peppering the body with his right hand and Downes looks fatigued.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Horodecki
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-9 Horodecki
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Horodecki

Round 3
Horodecki roughs Downes up with fast punching flurries and a spinning-back kick to the body before tripping him to the canvas. Horodecki punches the back of the head from half guard and is warned. Horodecki transitions to the back with both hooks. The Canadian applies a rear-naked choke and Downes taps quickly at the 1:09 mark of round three.

Josh Grispi vs. L.C. Davis
Round 1
Grispi connects with two hard low kicks. Davis is trying to counter strike from the outside, but he’s found little success early. Two short front kicks to the lead leg and one to the body land for Grispi. Davis gets a powerful double-leg takedown and Grispi transitions to a guillotine. Grispi gets to full guard and closes his legs. Davis attempts to punch his way, but he goes to sleep. Referee Yves Lavigne intervenes at 2:33 of the opening period.

Mark Hominick vs. Yves Jabouin
Round 1
Jabouin paws his jab out and Hominick looks to counter. Both fighters have head kicks blocked and Hominick lands a right hand on the temple. Jabouin kicks the body and lands a clean left hook. Another body kick connects on Hominick. Jabouin goes to the leg with a kick and Hominick starts to chase his opponent. Jabouin connects with another low kick and Hominick sneaks in a right hand. Jabouin puts his hands on display with a sharp punching combination. Hominick is taking some abuse to his legs, but he’s starting to land with his hands as a hard right finds a home on Jabouin’s chin. Jabouin grazes a spinning-back fist and continues to attack the legs. Hominick is really starting to land frequently. Three straight right hands find the chin. Hominick connects with a hard body shot with 10 seconds left. Good round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Jabouin
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-10
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Jabouin

Round 2
Jabouin connects with a spinning elbow to the body and Hominick returns fire with a right hand that impacts the face. Hominick crushes Jabouin with a hard left to the body and he falls. Hominick traps him against the fence and punches the head, but Jabouin is covering. Jabouin stands and knocks Hominick flat with a right hand. Jabouin engages Hominick on the floor and Hominick sweeps. From the top, Hominick goes directly to the mount and pounds away with both hands until referee Vern Gorman pulls him off at the 3:21 mark. What a fight.

Jamie Varner vs. Kamal Shalorus
Round 1
Shalorus lands a hard low kick and stays close to the former champion. Varner grazes a head kick and scores with a right hook. Shalorus jabs and lands a follow-up right hand. A kick to the body and leg land for Shalorus and Varner blasts him with a right hand. Shalorus wipes his eye right after the punch, but he doesn’t appear to be cut. Shalorus goes right back to the legs with kicks. Varner lands a low kick of his own and a stinging right hand on the chin. A left hand rocks Shalorus. Varner pounces and gets in a wild exchange that Shalorus gets the best of. Shalorus has some chin. A hard right kick to the body and head land for Shalorus. Shalorus lights Varner up with a punching flurry and a left kick to the body.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Varner
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-9 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Shalorus

Round 2
Varner gets in a head kick and Shalorus lands hard to the legs twice. Shalorus is flush with a right to the head and body. And thento the groin protector of Varner. Referee Josh Rosenthal gives Varner time to recover. The fight is restarted and Shalorus smacks the front leg of Varner with a low kick. Varner sneaks in a left-right punch combo. Again Shalorus kicks the groin, but this time Varner goes down. Replays show it was a devastating blow right on the cup. A point is taken. Varner stands and eats a low kick. Varner then turns it up with a left-legged head kick and a right hand. Shalorus’ legs buckle, but he stays standing. Oh my, what a chin. Shalorus puts his head down and swings back. He has Varner backed up against the fence briefly, but he can’t capitalize. Varner is circling away from Shalorus, but he’s showing decreased mobility from the punishing low kicks. Shalorus lands a low kick and misses a flood of sloppy punches before the horn.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Varner
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-8 Varner
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 Varner

Round 3
Shalorus whiffs on a low kick and lands the worst groin kick of the fight. Varner buckles over and is given time to recover. Rosenthal does not deduct a point. The fight is restarted several minutes later and Shalorus lands a kick to the body. Varner connects to the leg with a low kick and a left hook to the body. Shalorus catches a low kick and drags Varner to the canvas. Varner attempts to lock on the rubber guard, but his opponent has none of it. Shalorus hits the body and head with his right hand from Varner’s closed guard. An elbow connects for Shalorus. Open-handed palm shots to the ribs from Shalorus. Varner elbows from his back and nearly gets to his feet with 55 seconds left in the bout. With 45 seconds remaining, Varner sweeps and gets to his feet. Varner circles and avoids contact for the duration of the bout.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10 (30-27 Varner)
Guilherme Pinheiro scores the round 10-9 Shalorus (29-27 Varner)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Shalorus (28-28 Draw)

Official score: 29-27 (Varner), 29-27 (Shalorus) and 28-28. The match is a draw.
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