Real-Time Results: UFC 'TUF 11' Finale Weigh-ins (7 p.m. ET)
Jun 18, 2010
A live video feed of the weigh-ins is also available. Text results below.
Live Weigh-in Results
Court McGee (185) vs. Kris McCray (184)
Matt Hamill (205) vs. Keith Jardine (205)
Chris Leben (186) vs. Aaron Simpson (186)
Spencer Fisher (156) vs. Dennis Siver (156)
Jamie Yager (185) vs. Rich Attonito (186)
John Gunderson (155) vs. Mark Holst (154)
Brad Tavares (185) vs. Seth Baczynski (185)
Kyle Noke (185) vs. Josh Bryant (185)
James Hammortree (186) vs. Chris Camozzi (185)
James McSweeney (231) vs. Travis Browne (251)