

UFC 111 Results & Live Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com reports from the Prudential Center in Newark, N.J., at 7:45 p.m. ET with UFC 111 results and live play-by-play. In the main event, Georges St. Pierre will put his 170-pound title on the line against Dan Hardy.

Jake Rossen will provide a minute-by-minute UFC 111 blog for the festivities. Also, don't forget to check out the MMA Forums to discuss the event.

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Matt Riddle vs. Greg Soto
Round 1
Soto and Riddle trade low kicks. Riddle lands a nice combination and Soto shoots a single. Riddle limp legs out and regains his feet. Riddle clinching along the cage and kneeing to the body. Soto tries to punch his way out. Riddle goes back to the body with another hard knee before opening up with a wild flurry of wide punches. Soto pushes forward for a takedown, but Riddle clinches again and knees to the body and the thighs. Riddle hits a double-leg slam and rides out the frame. Sherdog scores the round 10-9 for Riddle.

Round 2
Soto lands a pair of lefts, Riddle answers with a kick to the body. Soto shoots but is stuffed again. Riddle clinches and knees to the body and legs again before hitting another takedown. Riddle sets up position and lands a few right elbows. Soto tries to elevate Riddle from butterfly guard, but the wrestler easily scrambles right back into his guard. Riddle passes to half and tries to get mount but Soto gets to his feet. Riddle lands a pair of hard knees to Soto's head. Riddle takes it back to the ground but Soto is right back up after Riddle tries to pass again. Riddle lands a hard right that puts Soto down for a second but he recovers quickly. The two fighters scramble to the bell. Sherdog.com scores the round 10-9 for Riddle.

Round 3
The fighters trade punches without much effect before Riddle hits another double. Riddle sets up in Soto's guard and postures up to strike. Soto lands a vicious illegal right upkick and referee Keith Peterson immediately intervenes. Riddle looks wobbly but wants to continue. The fight looks like it is about to be restarted but Riddle motions to his corner and the commission. It is determined he is not fit to continue and it seems his corner is telling him he got kicked. He doesn't appear to remember the incident. The fight is called and Matt Riddle is declared the winner by disqualification at 1:30 of the third round.

Rodney Wallace vs. Jared Hamman
Round 1
Wallace fires off a pair of right hands before landing a single. Wallace in guard but Hamman scoots up to his feet but Wallace lands a flurry and plants him again. Hamman is back up but finds himself on the run as Wallace unloads a salvo of winging punches before sinking him to the mat again. Hamman gets back up again. Hamman huts Wallace with a right headkick that knocks him to the mat. Wallace is coherebt enough to get a takedown. Hamman works for an armbar but Wallace defends Wallace firing away again but is stopped dead with a left hand that puts him back on the canvas. Hamman pounds away with punches. Sherdog scores the round 10-9 for Hamman.

Round 2
Wallace lands a one-two and slams Hamman to the mat. Hamman gets up with an overhook and hits a nice throw to take top position. He passes Wallace's guard and punches before allowing him to escape after missing an armbar attempt. Wallace slams Hamman back to the mat but is swept. Wallace hooks up a loose triangle but Hamman postures and punishes Wallace with a big right hand. Hamman finishes out the round with solid ground and pound from the top. Sherdog scores the round 10-9 Hamman.

Round 3
Wallace misses on a single and Hamman answers with a takesown of his own. Hamman lands some nice short elbow before Wallace shrimps up the cage. He lands a good left and slams Hamman to the floor. Hamman wriggles free and gets a takedown in the ensuing scramble. Referee Kevin Mulhall stands the fighters up because of a lack of action. Wallace lands a right and a left and dlips throwing a kick and allows Hamman to take top. Wallace works his way free and goes for a kimura but Hamman escapes and gets the crucifix position and punches away to the final bell. Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Hamman.

Hamman takes the unanimous decision with scores of 29-28 on all three cards.

Rousimar Palhares vs. Tomasz Drwal
Round 1
Drwal misses with front kick and slips. Palhares dives in and sits back for a leglock. He wrenches the heel hook on Drwal's left leg. Drwal screams and taps out at 45 seconds of the first round. Drwal limps out of the cage under his own power.

Ricardo Almeida vs. Matt Brown
Round 1
Almeida gets a quick takedown and begins to work from the top in half guard. Brown is using a whizzer to stand, but Almeida trips him directly back to the floor. Almeida can’t hold Brown down; The Ohioan uses his back against the cage to stand. Almeida connects with a standing elbow from the clinch. Almeida drops down for a single and Brown stops it with an underhook. Referee Dan Miragliotta separates the fighters and restarts the action in the center of the Octagon. Almeida lands a right hand and goes directly to a single-leg takedown that fails. Almeida takes a step back and connects with two standing elbows before returning to the clinch. Almeida lands a left hook at the 10 second mark.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Almeida
Jeff Sherwood scores the round 10-9 Almeida
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Almeida

Round 2
Almeida catches a low kick and drags Brown to the floor. Brown scoots to the cage and stands by back-crawling against the fencing. Almeida trips Brown and lands in side control. Almeida lands an elbow and a right hand before Brown stands. Brown is now pressing Almeida against the fence. Brown scores with a left shoulder punch. Miragliotta warns the fighters for the lack of action. Moments later, he separates the fighters. Almeida catches a Brown low kick and hits him with a right hand and an elbow before taking the Gurgel student down. Almeida moves to Brown’s back. Brown is bleeding from the last elbow. Blood is pouring out of a cut above Brown’s left eye. Almeida secures a body triangle and works for a rear-naked choke. The hold is deep and Brown taps at 3:30 of round two.

Nate Diaz vs. Rory Markham
Round 1
Markham lands a hard low kick and defends a Diaz single. Markham misses a head kick and eats a counter-left straight. Diaz connects with a front kick. Markham is throwing bombs and Diaz is counter punching effectively. A knee to the chin connects for Diaz and Markham folds. Diaz hops on his back and locks on a body triangle. Diaz flattens Markham out and tees off to the head with both hands. Markham covers and absorbs punishment. Referee Keith Peterson has seen enough; he steps in and saves the defenseless Markham at the 2:47 mark of round one.

Jim Miller vs. Mark Bocek
Round 1
Bocek lands a nice counter right hand to get us started. Bocek drops levels for a single-leg takedown. Miller defends and locks up a standing guillotine. Miller secures the hold and drops down to guard. Bocek escapes and Miller immediately gets to his feet. The fighters trade knees to the body from the clinch. Bocek presses Miller against the fence in search of a takedown. Miller gets off the fence and lands a low kick before eating a hard right hand from Bocek. The Canadian gets a strong slam takedown and starts to work in Miller’s guard. Miller looks for an omoplata and a gogoplata. Bocek has none of it and moves to half guard. Miller attempts a kimura and he has it. Bocek looks like he wants to tap, but he holds on. Bocek escapes and gets to guard. A left elbow opens up a small cut in the middle of Bocek’s forehead.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Miller
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Miller
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Miller

Round 2
Bocek gets a double-leg takedown and moves to half guard. Bocek advances to side control, but he can’t keep the position. Miller lands a strong right hand with his back on the floor. Bocek is leaking blood on the canvas. Bocek sets up an arm triangle and Miller defends by getting full guard. Miller looks for a heel hook and a kneebar. Bocek rolls out of danger and takes the mount shortly after. Bocek moves to Miller’s back. Bocek locks on a body triangle and Miller’s right arm is trapped. Bocek controls the left wrist of Miller and looks for a rear-naked choke. Miller defends beautifully in a desperate position. Bocek tries to turn Miller over on to his belly and ends up losing the position after Miller stands and slams him.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Bocek
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Bocek
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Bocek

Round 3
Miller connects with an uppercut to kick off the final frame. Bocek counter punches and lands a right hand. Miller sprawls on a Bocek double and easily defends. Miller misses a straight left and defends another double. Miller lands a knee to the chin from the clinch. Bocek fires back and connects with a knee to the body. Miller briefly looks for a single and then changes his mind. The hesitation allows Bocek to position himself for a single of his own. He trips Miller to the floor, but can’t hold him down. Bocek controls the head of Miller and then switches to a single. Bocek fails and tries to pull guard. Miller sees it coming and hops on his back at the bell. Miller’s last-second hustle may have won him the close fight.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Miller (29-28 Miller)
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Bocek (29-28 Bocek)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Miller (29-28 Miller)

All thee official judges see the bout 29-28 for Jim Miller, who takes the unanimous decision.

Jon Fitch vs. Ben Saunders
Round 1
Fitch connects with a hard low kick. Saunders wraps up the Thai plum, but Fitch is game. Fitch pushes Saunders to the cage and trips him to the floor. Fitch and Saunders trade leather on the floor, but neither is able to do much. Uneventful round.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Fitch
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Fitch
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fitch

Round 2
Fitch gets a quick takedown to start round two. Fitch controls from the top with punches to the body and head. The crowd is letting the fighters hear it at the 2:30 mark. Dan Miragliotta warns the fighters to work, but Fitch is staying quite busy. Fitch is absolutely dominating the bout, but the crowd expects more. Miragliotta stands the fighters, even though Fitch was working. Fitch goes back to the clinch and tries to trip Saunders up. Saunders defends well and stays on his feet in the clinch for the round’s final moments.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Fitch
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Fitch
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fitch

Round 3
Fitch catches Saunders with a short right hand and goes back to the clinch. Fitch connects with an uppercut and then breaks away. Fitch drops for a single and Saunders hops on one leg while defending with a standing kimura. Fitch tries to transition to Saunders’ back while standing. Saunders sniffs it out repositions himself. Fitch knees the body and Miragliotta restarts them. Fitch looks for the takedown right away and Saunders again defends with a kimura. Fitch tries to gain access to Saunders’ back and then switches to a standing arm triangle. Saunders gets away and then is tripped to the floor. Fitch punches the head with his right hand while controlling the feet of Saunders. Fitch continues to hit the head from his opponent’s butterfly guard. Fitch passes to half guard. Fitch opens up a cut above Saunders’ right eye with punches and elbows.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Fitch (30-27 Fitch)
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Fitch (30-27 Fitch)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fitch (30-27 Fitch)

All three official judges see the contest 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Jon Fitch.

Kurt Pellegrino vs. Fabricio Camoes
Round 1
Camoes drops levels immediately for a single. Camoes tries to transition to the back, but ends up throwing Pellegrino to the floor. Camoes hops on Pellegrino’s back and secures a rear-naked choke. Pellegrino headplants Camoes into the canvas and advances to the back. Camoes escapes a modified shoulder lock and gets to half guard. From the bottom, Camoes attempts a brabo choke, but he’s not in the proper position to finish. Pellegrino frees his neck and controls from half guard. Pellegrino elbows the head with his right arm. Fantastic round.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Pellegrino
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 Pellegrino
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Pellegrino

Round 2
Pellegrino gets a fast takedown and he’s all over Camoes from half guard with punches and elbows. Pellegrino looks to advance to mount, but Camoes’ defense is solid. Camoes fights to get to his feet and Pellegrino controls him briefly before letting him stand to throw knees. Pellegrino lands two knees to the head before throwing Camoes to the mat. Pellegrino transitions to the back and wraps up the finish with a textbook rear-naked choke. Camoes taps at 4:20 of round two.

Frank Mir vs. Shane Carwin
Round 1
The first 35 seconds are a feeling out period with neither man wanting to commit. Mir breaks the stalemate with a right hand that Carwin ducks under. Carwin ties up with Mir and moves him to the fencing. Carwin knees the left thigh of Mir and punches the head with his right hand. Referee Dan Miragliotta restarts the fighters in the center of the Octagon. Mir lands a right hand on the forehead of Carwin. Back to the thigh with knees goes Carwin from the clinch. Miragliotta asks for more action. Carwin explodes and floors Mir with a flurry of hooks and uppercuts. Mir tries a desperate single and Carwin keeps teeing off. Carwin is absolutely blasting Mir as the former champion is flattened out. Carwin blasts away with his left hand until Miragliotta pulls him off. The official time is 3:48 of round one.

Georges St. Pierre vs. Dan Hardy
Round 1
St. Pierre wastes little time before securing a lightning-fast single-leg takedown. The champion works from the top in half guard. Hardy gets back to full guard and he applies mission control. GSP escapes the position by passing to half. St. Pierre advances to side control and transitions to Hardy’s back. GSP applies both hooks while Hardy controls the wrists in an effort to stave off a rear-naked choke. Hardy does a fabulous job of reversing the position and making it to his feet, but the Canadian easily takes him back down. St. Pierre’s positioning is tight as he slides to the mount. St. Pierre postures up to strike and Hardy gives up his back. Both hooks are in for GSP. St. Pierre punches the head with his right hand before switching to his left. St. Pierre goes for an armbar and it’s deep. Hardy is in serious danger. Just when it looks like the arm is about to pop, Hardy springs free and moves to his feet.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre

Round 2
St. Pierre lands a hard low kick to the lead leg of Hardy. The crowd starts to chant “GSP! GSP!” Hardy circles and gives up another single to the champion. St. Pierre gets to side control. GSP remains active in the position as he constantly searches for a window of attack. St. Pierre goes for an armbar and gives up the top position in the process. Hardy punches the head with his right hand while on top of St. Pierre; something you don’t see often. St. Pierre kicks off and stands. Hardy misses a head kick and St. Pierre snaps his head back with a right hand. St. Pierre thumps Hardy with a hard jab before lifting him into the air and slamming his challenger to the floor. Hardy goes high with his hips in search of offense. Time expires.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre

Round 3
St. Pierre has a takedown just seconds into the stanza. GSP hits the body with his left hand and looks to pass on the right side. Hardy gets back to guard. He closes it. St. Pierre postures and Hardy punches from the bottom. Hardy slides an elbow across the bridge of GSP’s nose from the guard. St. Pierre sneaks in a right hand and advances to half guard. Hardy’s ground game is solid. He’s defending well and goes for a triangle after getting guard. St. Pierre has none of it, and goes to side control. The champion has a kimura on the left arm of Hardy. St. Pierre tries to transition to an armbar, and Hardy is game. Hardy makes it to his feet and is taken back down in less than a second. St. Pierre to side control on the heels of a quick pass. Hardy gives up his back. St. Pierre slides off and drops back for a heel. He only does it to retake the top position. The fight is all GSP through 15 minutes.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre

Round 4
15 seconds into the fourth round and GSP has Hardy down. St. Pierre mounts and moves to Hardy’s back. The challenger gets to guard following a scramble. St. Pierre fights off Hardy’s offensive guard and gets to side control. St. Pierre isolates Hardy’s left elbow. He lets it go to elbow the head and punch the body. St. Pierre locks a kimura onto Hardy’s left arm. Hardy is stuck and St. Pierre is just holding the technique one angle away from injury. Hardy can do nothing, but St. Pierre isn’t trying to hurt him. He lets go.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-8 St. Pierre

Round 5
St. Pierre starts the fifth just as he has the previous four. GSP gets a single and moves to side control as Hardy attempts a triangle. St. Pierre moves to Hardy’s back, where he knees the body. Hardy scrambles and gets to half guard. St. Pierre extends Hardy’s left arm in a kimura. Again the hold is tight, but Hardy gets free. St. Pierre punches the midsection from half guard. St. Pierre turns it up with elbows to the head. St. Pierre again looks for a kimura. Hardy defends it properly before it becomes an issue. Hardy stands at the 30 second mark and St. Pierre deposits him on the floor. St. Pierre hits the body and drops back for a heel hook in the bout’s final moments.

TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Loretta Hunt scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 St. Pierre

St. Pierre retains his title with scores of 50-45, 50-44 and 50-43.
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