The Weekly Wrap: July 11 - July 17
From the pre-fight hype to the forceful in-ring performance to the
post-fight histrionics, UFC heavyweight champion Brock
Lesnar simply did what he does best in his rematch with...
Pictures: PFC 13 'Validation'
Jeff Sherwood was ringside at the Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino in
Lemoore, Calif., to photograph PFC 13 "Validation"
May 17, 2009
The Weekly Wrap: May 9 – May 15
The firebrand president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship was
in the spotlight in a different way than to which he’s accustomed
The Weekly Wrap: April 18 - April 24
Though it drew a record crowd in Montreal, the Ultimate Fighting
Championship did not come out of its second voyage into Canada with
much in the...