Sherdog’s Top 10: Welterweights of All-Time
The space between 157 and 171 pounds has served as a staging point
for some of the most successful and influential fighters in mixed
Opinion: The Final Pass of the Torch
The last seven bouts of B.J. Penn’s
career have mostly served to decorate the highlight reels of other
fighters. Never was that truer than against...
Sherdog’s Top 10: UFC Ironmen
They say time reveals everything. In the case of these fighters, it
has exposed strengths and weaknesses and shined a light on
successes and failures.
Sherdog’s Top 10: The Ultimate Fighters
“The Ultimate Fighter” has spawned multiple champions and title
challengers, all while supplying the
UFC with a steady stream of marketable...
Sherdog’s Top 10: American Mixed Martial Artists
The United States has produced a healthy share of all-time greats,
from hated villains and blood-and-guts warriors to larger-than-life