Winners, Losers from UFC 117 Prelims
We live in a world full of rubs, ranging from inadequate Pop Tart
supplies to cats that never let anyone sleep past 6:30 a.m. OK,
this might be...
AUG 10, 2010
Matches to Make After UFC 117
Fights make the world go round, or so I’ve come to believe after
more than a decade of cramming almost nothing but MMA into my
AUG 09, 2010
UFC 117 Preview: The Prelims
I live my life by a few simple rules: Queens must always get the
money, never vote for someone who claims to be a regular Joe and,
above all,...
TUF 11 Sherblog: 4,000 Hours of Pain Pay Off
This episode, the majority of the taping was done on the last day. However, they showed some of the pranks that happened throughout the season....