Pros Pick: Henderson vs. Franklin
Headlining the UFC 93 card in Dublin, Ireland, on Saturday is one
heck of a matchup between two former world champions
UFC Fight Night Preview
The middle of the month means paychecks, bills and, if you’re
lucky, a Fight Night card designed to give hope to all of us
working stiffs
SEP 16, 2008
Pros Pick: Liddell vs. Evans
This Saturday down in sultry Atlanta, the UFC is delivering one
heck of a fight card.
However, one fight in particular has the MMA world abuzz...
UFC 88 Breakdown: The Undercard
The headline bouts always get the press but, like the backroom of a
club, the undercard can be where all the fun happens
SEP 06, 2008
The Great Sherdog Debate: Liddell vs. Evans
The Ultimate Fighting Championship treats the Deep South to a slew
of solid battles this Saturday when UFC 88 “Breakthrough” invades