Pictures: Sengoku 'Seventh Battle'’s Daniel Herbertson was ringside at the Yoyogi National
Stadium Second Gymnasium in Tokyo to photograph Sengoku “Seventh
MAR 23, 2009
Featherweights and Fight-lanthropy
I have already espoused at length -- both on radio and in print --
the strengths and sweetness of Sengoku's featherweight tournament.
The Weekly Wrap: March 14 - March 20
It was almost like mixed martial arts' version of "Law and Order"
this week, as several dramatic appearances before the Nevada State
Sengoku 'Seventh Battle' Play-by-Play reports from the Yoyogi National Stadium Second
Gymnasium in Tokyo with live play-by-play of Sengoku's "Seventh
The Weekly Wrap: Feb. 28 - March 6
A month that will showcase featherweights to an unprecedented
degree was kicked off by the division’s top-ranked fighter
Sengoku Names Tourney Pairs, Adds Thompson-York
World Victory Road has completed the matchups for its featherweight
tournament, which kicks off a March 20 opener at the Yoyogi
National Stadium...