MMA At 20: Japan’s Splintered Origins
When it comes to reviewing the last 20 years of history on the
Japanese MMA scene, there is one name predominantly involved from
start to...
The Weekly Wrap: Jan. 10 - Jan. 16
The Ultimate Fighting Championship's first offering of 2009 may go
off Saturday night in Ireland, but the promotional push was more
UFC 92 Breakdown: The Undercard
Another year nears its end on the biosphere, and, while everyone
else maxes out every piece of plastic in sight and makes New Year’s...
DEC 26, 2008
Resident Yvel
In a sport where an evening of hyperextensions and blood-faucet
noses is considered getting off lightly, it should come as little
surprise that...
The Weekly Wrap: Oct. 11 - Oct. 17The Weekly Wrap walks readers through the last seven days in
MMA, recapping the week’s top attraction, important news, notable
quotes and most...