Vancouver KOs MMA

Jake RossenJul 22, 2010

The clown car is still emptying out in North Vancouver, where officials actually disbanded the athletic commission this past Monday.

“I’ve watched enough of it (Ultimate Fighting Championship) channel surfing to know that I find it repugnant ... barbaric,” Coun. Pam Bookham told local press. Your tax dollars in action, Vancouver: lawmakers basing decisions on information gathered while “channel surfing.” Maybe Councilwoman Bookham can help manage the police force when she settles in for the next “Cops” marathon.

While this is all beyond attempting to challenge with common sense, it’s indicative of the uphill battle MMA continues to face. It’s 2010 and not only are individual provinces shuttering the gates, but major venues like New York are turning a blind eye. While lobbying and education are easy retorts, it’s not of much value in the face of indignant policyholders who can’t imagine MMA as a sport for sport’s sake. There’s still one long, unpaved road ahead.