D. Mandel/Sherdog.com
The SuperCuts Award Nelson, for saving $14.95 every time he needs a trim by sticking his head into an oscillating fan.
The Goldberg Excellence in Saying Something, Anything, Award Mike Goldberg, on a serious streak in this category, for insisting that if “you are not a fan of Hulk Hogan, you are not a fan…of sports.” Fine, so long as “fan” can mean, “mute astonishment that Hulk Hogan is still ambulatory.”
The Melvin Costa Award Joe Brammer, for sporting Hoelzer Reich-branded apparel. Nothing like an iron cross draped over the Octagon to get people talking.
The 2-Point Shooter Award Slice, for throwing only a left and a right hand in his fifteen minutes with Houston Alexander. Maybe we’re wrong to just assume Slice knows he can kick. Does someone want to tell him?
The Accidentally on Purpose Award The production truck, for blissfully muting the incoherent ramblings of Tito Ortiz as he sat cageside.